Death to all traitors

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3rd POV
Aro had relaid Adora's testimony to his brother and Marcus was fuming.

Marcus marched straight down to the dungeons with Jane following close behind. Aro and Caius went after their brother, and Alec elected to stay in the room with his mate, and Didyme. Didyme returned to Adora's side and continued to run her fingers through her hair. Alec positioned himself by the door and listened to his mate's heartbeat. It was the only thing calming his nerves.

Meanwhile Bella, Edward, and Alice were in chains specially designed to hold supernatural creatures. Bella's jaw had turned a sickly purple and blue color and hung at a weird angle. The Cullens flinched when the door suddenly opened. They looked up to see Marcus fuming with barely contained rage.

Marcus strode towards Bella. Hers screams of pain filled the night air.

~~~timeskip~~~The next morning Aro called Carlisle to inform him of what happened

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The next morning Aro called Carlisle to inform him of what happened.

He offered his condolences and asked if he would like the ashes for a funeral. Carlisle agreed to come to Italy to claim his children. Aro then called Charlie and informed him of Adora's whereabouts, and made up a lie that Bella abandoned Adora here half dead before running away. Charlie immediately thanked Aro and said that he'd be there to get her tomorrow.

Aro then strode to his sister and brother's room and saw that it was being guarded by the twins. A quick peak in the room and the ancient vampire smiled. Adora laid sandwiched between Marcus and Didyme with Aegeus laying on the floor beside the bed. Aro decided to speak up now "Charlie Swan is coming tomorrow to collect Adora. We can try to persuade him into letting her stay her with us, but I don't know if he'll agree."

Marcus looked at Didyme sho stared at her husband wide eyed and begging him not to let her daughter be taken away. Marcus kissed Didyme's head before walking out with Aro to go over a plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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