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3rd POV
The witch twins, Aro, Marcus, and Caius walked into Didyme and Marcus's private chambers to see Didyme laying next to a very pale and sickly looking girl with her canine companion snuggled against her other side.

Didyme left the girls side and flitted over to Aro's side and offered up her hand. As Aro took it Didyme whispered in a hushed tone too low for human ears to hear "She's very weak right now and she's in pain. She appears to be blind and mute if her strange hand signs were of any indication. She also has a gift, I'm not quite sure what it is yet, but she was able to show how she felt...I think it's best that Aro uses his gift to acquire her testimony."

The twins perked up in curiosity upon hearing that their fragile mate had a gift. They were disheartened to learn of her blindness, muteness, and that she was in pain. Jane longed to go down to the dungeons and continue torturing the Cullens and their whorish blood bag, while Alec wished to go to his mate's side and take away her ailments.

But that had to wait.

Right now they needed a full story of what happened to her before they could charge the troublesome trio with anything.

The kings' nodded in agreement before Aro glided over to the bedridden girl's side earning a suspicious look from her doggy companion. Aro fell to his knees beside the Volturi princess's side and grasped her limp hand in his gloves hands and then he spoke softly to her.

Adora's POV
I felt Didyme leave my side after the door opened.

It was silent before I heard quick, equanimous footsteps coming in my direction. I heard a soft set of thuds as if someone got to their knees and I felt a pair of thick leather gloves hands grab my lead-like hand and hold it tenderly.

Then a smooth, rich masculine soprano voice spoke "My dear, sweet child...my name is Aro, I'm Didyme's brother. I'm hear you take your accounts of the Cullens and their companion, Isabella Swan's, offenses against you. My sister informs me that you are unable to speak, but you have a gift that allows you to communicate...I too have a gift that'll allow me to understand you, but I won't force you to do anything you aren't comfortable with..."

I felt a sense of comfort with this man upon hearing his relation to Didyme. I don't know why, but I trusted them entirely.

I tried to reach for his face, but my fingers only twitched and my forearm spasmed. I hear someone step towards us "Aro...place her hand on your cheek. She'll tell you everything that you need to know" I heard Didyme's voice say, and Aro did as his sister asked and I felt something enter my head and my memories flooded through me.

It started from after I woke up and continued until we reached my suppressed memories of my accident that rendered me blind and mute.....

3rd POV
A one year old Adora has been left alone on her playmate with some blocks.

Renee was talking on the phone with her back turned against her youngest daughter as she complained to her friend on the phone about Charlie's latest attempt at reconciliation. The man even offered to adopt Adora in hopes of her realizing how much he cared about and loved her. The affair didn't matter to him at all!

Meanwhile, 5 year old Bella was standing in the living room doorway glaring hatefully at her little sister. 'It's all her fault' Bella thought hatefully 'If she wasn't born then my parents would still be together and we would be a happy family. She has to pay for what she's done, she has to go! But how....?' Adora was oblivious to Bella's glare and hateful thoughts as she found chewing on her wooden blocks more enjoyable. Bella sneered at her baby sister before turning her head around the house and looked around, hoping to find a solution to her problem.

Her eyes stopped when they landed on a bottle of bleach that her mother had left laying around when she intended to clean, but she forgot to both clean and put it away. A wicked smile grew on her face, and she turned to Adora and walked over to her.

Adora took notice of her big sister's approach and dropped her blocks in favor of reaching out to Bella for a hug "Sissy!" The innocent child said in her tinkling bell sounding voice. Bella cringed at both the title, and at the realization that she'd have to pick up the disgusting creature before her.

Bella forced a smile and said "Shh, Adora, let's go play a game" Adora smile widened at this, she was excited that her big sister finally wanted to play with her! Bella scooped Adora up and walked her into the kitchen. Renee payed neither of them any mind as she was still carelessly yakking on the phone.

Bella walked into the kitchen and sat Adora down in front of the oven. Adora watched Bella curiously as she reached onto the countertop and grabbed a bottle of bleach. Bella unscrewed the cap and tossed it aside before pushing Adora down so she was laying on her back, and quickly dumped the bleach all over Adora's face! Adora choked and sputtered as she tried not to swallow the repulsive, burning liquid. Bella tried to get Adora to swallow the toxic chemical, but upon realizing that 1. It was taken to long and 2. Adora was making so much noise.

Renee heard the commotion but ignored it thinking that Bella was drinking straight from one of the juice or milk cartons again.

Bella tossed the now empty bleach bottle aside and reached for her mother's giant cutting knife that was always kept sharp, and resided in one of the drawers. Seeing as she was in massive amounts of pain, specifically around her eyes, Adora suddenly let out a wail alerting Renee to the fact that her infant was no longer in the living room.

Renee quickly hung up after saying a quick goodbye, and rushed into the kitchen just in time to see Bella slash Adora's throat open! Renee quickly ran over and snatched Bella up, tossing the bloody knife in the sink and running water on it to wash away the evidence. Renee dropped Bella and grabbed Adora's neck in an attempt to stop the bleeding, and once again grabbed her cellphone. Renee quickly called 911 and reported the 'accident'.

After making up an elaborate story about how Renee was spring cleaning, and Bella wanted to help instead of play with her little sister. Only for Renee to leave a couple chemicals out as she searched for her rubber gloves, and Adora to crawl over and get splashed with something and start crying. Renee had attempted to flush the chemicals off Adora's face when she slipped and cut Adora's throat with a dirty knife.

The hospital took pity on the crying woman and elected to not report it.

Upon finding out that Adora was going to be blind and mute, Renee dumped her on her father, with only Bella's old baby blanket as protection against the oncoming blizzard, and drove off with Bella. Alexander opened the door when he heard a weird smacking sound at his front door, only to find a blind Adora feeling around for a person.

That was when Alexander finally met his daughter, and when he fell in love with her. That night he made a promise to always love and protect Adora no matter what...

~~~end flashback~~~
Adora's POV
The memories took everything out of me and I slumped against the pillows and blacked out with the sound of Aro's voice saying.

"Rest, my sweet niece, we'll all be here for you when you wake up once more.." he whispered softly, as he ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my forehead.


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