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Adora's POV
I decided that since it was Saturday I'd begin my research. I threw up my hair in a ponytail and put on some comfy clothes before sitting at my desk in front of my laptop with earbuds in my ears and the door locked. Aegeus was resting at my feet.

I looked up blind people who see red outlines and nothing

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I looked up blind people who see red outlines and nothing. Then I tried blind people regaining sight without surgery, but nothing matched my situation. So then I tried people seeing red outlines, but again nothing! I was slowly becoming frustrated as I couldn't find anything about my situation.

I couldn't talk to anyone about it because they'd think that I was crazy.

Finally on a whim I googled red mist. Lo and behold there was a video about something called the 'Scarlet Sorcerer' it was apparently found in many cultures and depicted a phenomenon including people who could control a scarlet-crimson colored mist like power and do incredible things with it. Some people called the mist 'chaos magic' because if it was used improperly then it could drive people insane.

But that was a load of bull!

So this red mist stuff allowed me to see things like Toph from ATLA? C'mon!

I scoffed and was about to exit the computer when I remembered my dream. I bit my lip. I couldn't see the castle now, even with my special blind app that read everything on screen to me out loud, but maybe....

I looked up red eyes and I found a bunch of things like contacts, pink eye, albino eyes, red veins in eyes, and finally something called 'Cold Ones' had red eyes. I decided to click on that. The computer started telling me the story of the cold ones.

Pale ice cold skin.....

Eyes that change from red to black.....

Inhuman speed and strength.....

Extreme sensitive hearing, sight, and smell....

Ethereal beauty.....

Never seen in sunlight...

Drinks blood....

A creature designed to be the ultimate predator.

A creature born of and by darkness.

A creature related to sex and gore.

A cold one was a vampire.









Are you serious?! Who would believe this stuff right off the bat! Without any proof or solid evidence?Who would even go near one? Let alone want to be one.

Sounds like a terrible fate actually. To live forever and watch everyone you love die? That sounds so lonely. On second thought, Bella would want that. She's so dramatic and becoming a vampire avoids death and is young and beautiful forever.

I shake my head and log out of google and on to Netflix. I move over to the bed and set my computer on the end and lay down on my back. Aegeus follows me and gets on the bed to lay with me. I put on some Johnny Depp movies because let's face it. This man has a sexy, soothing voice.

I literally fell in love with this man just from listening to him talk. Aegeus rests his head on my shoulder while I stare blankly at the ceiling and listen to Johnny Depp say the lines from Benny and Joon. I'm only half listening though as my thoughts drift off.

I see the red mist again outlining my room, myself, and Aegeus. Who began acting weird around my hands and eye. He kept looking back and forth between them at if he was seeing something that I couldn't. Soon the mist expanded throughout the entire house. Charlie was cleaning hi guns on the kitchen table like he does weekly and occasionally sipping on his beer.

Bella was emailing Alice to complain about me- wait......

'Honestly, Alice, I wish you were here. Adora makes everything awful. She's such an attention seeker. I bet she's faking being blind-' and blah blah blah. Bella rants from inside her head! Am I seriously hearing thoughts now?!

'I want to help Bella, but she doesn't seem as depressed anymore. So bringing Adora into Bella's life helped somewhat, but now she's acting like-well, for a lack of better words, a bitch. There has to be some way that I can bring those two together. Hmmm' and now I'm hearing Charlie's thoughts, great, what next.

'Oh, no, what do I do?! I wasn't trained for this!' Who is that? 'Adora's eyes and hands are glowing with this mist like substance. Are humans supposed to do this? I've never seen o e do this before....'

Wait a minute......










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