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After doing my research, I started experimenting more with this 'chaos magic'. I could communicate with Aegeus telepathically and I could use it to see see things around me like echo location. Think about Toph from Avatar the last Airbender. Then I could read people's thoughts and emotions. It was quite handy, especially when I found out that I could move things with my mind, though it took all my concentration and energy. I nearly passed out a few times because of trying to levitate a cup of tea through the living room.

But I'll get better at it. Maybe I'll be able to live alone.

Bella avoids home like she did before, and this time she's sinking her little praying mantis or black widow teeth into a 16 year old boy called Jacob Black. Poor lovesick fool is gonna be the Charlie to Bella's Renee.

Charlie and I started hanging out. It was awkward at first, but now it's......less awkward?

He would go fishing and take me and Aegeus on his boat. He'd fish and talk to me and Aegeus. We would go home and I'd cook with him hovering me like a anxious mother. He put braille labels on EVERYTHING even the spices which I used to smell to see which was which. Aside from sneezing with every pepper type spice I could always taste it to see what it was. I guess Charlie was just a fussy person if you let him be.

My dad always wanted me to be more independent in the matter of him dying. Being blind meant that people would assume that I was fragile and needed to be taken care of, but my dad wanted them to see me differently I guess. I only had a neighbor come over every Sunday to make sure that I stuck to the schedule.

But it was nice. Being....taken care of.

I think he was lonely even more so with Bella living with him. When Bella moved back in with Charlie, instead of rekindling their father-daughter bond she chose to chase after Edward Cullen. She had no friends or anyone other than Edward. All because she doesn't care about anyone other than herself and Edward.

I'm a bit bitter about it.

Charlie's just.....he really stepped up to the plate you know? He took me in when no one else wanted me and he's been taking care of me like I'm his own. He's like a dorky uncle.

I've been dying to ask him if I can touch his face. To get a clearer picture of him. When I try to use my new found ability to see deeper into the outlines I get headaches, so it's better to just stick with the original outlines. Though I don't know how accurate they are.....they give a twelve year old boy more curves than Bella.....or Bella's just a cardboard box with a football covered in seaweed on top.

Anyway today Charlie's at his childhood friend Harry's funeral. He's planning on bringing his wife Sue Clearwater and her two children Seth and Leah for dinner. So I'm making a good meal with my......very blind person conscious kitchen. I'm giggling as I think about how to explain Charlie's over giving and over compensating nature.

So I'm making a lamb and pork stew with homemade butter biscuits. I hope I get this right. It's my first time cooking and extravagant meal for more than two or three people so I'm hoping it turns out good.....send prayers?

send prayers?

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After I taste tested everything and was satisfied with the flavor and tenderness of the meat I began thinking 'Should I make dessert? I'm kind of tired

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After I taste tested everything and was satisfied with the flavor and tenderness of the meat I began thinking 'Should I make dessert? I'm kind of tired. What would you even make for someone in grief? Chocolate?' My thoughts were cut off when I was abruptly grabbed from behind.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in Bella's house?!" A wind chime voice snapped at me. I fumbled for my phone and rapidly typed out "Hello. I. Am. Adora. Logan. I. Am. Bella. Younger. Half. Sister. I. Am. Blind. And. Mute. Who. Are. You." I could practically hear the sneer in her voice "I'm Alice Cullen, Bella's best friend. She never mentioned a sister, especially a crippled sister" "That. Is. Because. She. Hates. Me. For. No. Reason." Alice scoffed "Oh, I'm sure there's a reason. I be waiting for Charlie in the living room" I heard departing footsteps.

'What is she doing here? Is she seriously going to wait for Charlie when he's busy trying to help Mrs. Clearwater grieve? I can see why her and Bella are friends though. Both of them are bitches' I shrug and turn around. I set the table and place the hot pot of stew in the center with plates of biscuits on either side.

I go through my braille cook books and debate on whether or not I should make a chocolate mousse pie with cherries and whipped cream on top. I'm once again ripped out of my thoughts by someone grabbing me and dragging me outside "C'mon you little brat, we've got to save Edward" I hear Bella say Aegeus is growling and whining as he follows me.

I start having a panic attack which irritates my asthma and I'm thrown into the back of a car with leather seats Aegeus jumps in after me and noses at my Fanny pack before finally getting the zipper open and digging for my inhaler. The door slams shut and two people get in the driver slams on the gas and Aegeus and I are thrown around as the person who shouldn't have a license talks to Bella about Italy and Volterra.

Aegeus manages to find my inhaler and puts it in my open palm. Relief fills my burning aching lungs as the steroids enter my system. Aegeus lays on top of my stomach with his head on my chest weighing me down to soothe my anxiety and I wrap my arms around him as I pass out.

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