Chapter Nine.

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I blinked a few times, suddenly feeling sick as the world around me changed before my own eyes, and I was suddenly back on the ground. I let out a heavy breath of air I didn't know I was holding as I felt solid ground beneath my hands and knees, and forced myself to sit up. I couldn't tell where I was; the sky was pitch black, alerting me to the fact that I had clearly been gone for some time. As I tied the gemstone from the Goddess around my neck, I forced myself to my feet and let out a heavy sigh. I wondered if James even knew I was gone. He was furious about Ethan, and I guess I had some explaining to do. If we couldn't trust each other, then there was no way this was going to work. So, I needed to be honest with him, and he needed to be honest with me too.

I slowly started dredging through the darkness, trying to find my way back to the castle. It took me longer than I had hoped, but then again, I didn't actually know where I was until I stumbled out of the woods and saw the pack grounds with the castle looming up ahead of me. I moved through the houses and buildings quickly, keeping my head low so as to avoid being noticed or recognized. It wasn't much use, however. My long, silver hair was recognized basically anywhere, and already people were staring at me and whispering among themselves. Whether James felt me through the bond or the whispering managed to get to him quickly, I found him pacing in the throne room. I cleared my throat softly, and his head snapped up to meet my eyes.

"James, I-"

He cut me off by smashing his lips against mine, and my eyes widened in surprise before I melted into him and held the back of his head with my hands, kissing him back just as passionately.

"James," I breathed finally, once I'd managed to pull back for a breath of air. I didn't even care who was watching us; right now, it was only me and him.

"I was worried sick," he whispered, resting his forehead on mine as he spoke. "I was so scared something had happened to you. I couldn't sense you at all... Never do that to me again. I can't lose you."

"I'm so sorry," I whispered back, clutching onto the back of his neck like if I let go, he would float away. "About everything. About Ethan, about leaving, about-"

"No, stop," he interrupted, pulling back so he could look into my eyes seriously. "Rhea, I have never cared for anything in my life the way I care for you. I was angry, and I pushed you away. I don't care about Ethan; I don't care about anything. Except for you."

"James," I whispered, feeling my eyes glass up at his words. "I have so much to tell you. But I-"

"What do you want, Rhea?" he pressed urgently. He knew what I wanted, but he wanted me to say it. The bond was way too strong to resist now. "Tell me."

"I want you."

Neither of us said a word as James took my hand firmly and dragged me from the throne room and down the hallway that led to our rooms. My entire body was buzzing with the anticipation of what was about to happen, but all I could focus on was James' hand as he opened the door to his room, pulled us both inside and slammed the door behind us. I was on him in seconds; he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his body as he pressed me up against the door, and his lips were back on mine, devouring me as his tongue began is expert exploration of my mouth. I groaned as he pressed into me, feeling excitement and passion buzzing between my legs where he was positioned. He growled against my mouth and pulled me away from the door, stalking over to the bed and laying me down none too gently. I almost moaned at the distance that had appeared between our bodies, but he was back on top of me in no time, allowing me to grab hold of him again. In the commotion, his shirt had come off, and I found my hands sliding across his smooth, muscled skin. He flinched wherever my fingertips landed, making me feel powerful. My fingers kept perusing until they ventured a little too far south, and he grabbed my hand forcefully. His breathing was ragged and uneven, and his face looked strained.

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