Chapter Twenty.

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We spent the night making love and being close to one another, as if the moment we parted, terror would bestow itself on the pack and everything would change. At least we could pretend, just for one night, that everything was okay and nothing was going to change.

But, alas, our night was over quicker than we had hoped, and we were preparing for battle before we knew it.

"Gather the soldiers along the border of the village," James ordered Emil as we walked through the castle's throne room, advisors in tow. "Tell them to wait for orders there, but to prepare for an ambush from the west." Emil trailed off to the left and went down another corridor with his orders, leaving Soren as Terk and Violet were still out setting traps. "Soren, I'd appreciate if you stuck with us and helped guide everyone who won't be fighting into the castle cellar. Rhea, I know you've got your own thing planned out, but I want you to be careful. I'd appreciate it if you let Soren stick with you while I help Emil with the fighters."

"Are you sure?" Soren piped in, looking worried all of a sudden as we left the castle and trudged towards the first set of houses. "If something were to happen, I'd feel more comfortable if-"

"I'm sure," James interrupted, stopping as he turned to face Soren with a hand on the man's shoulder. "All I want you to do is make sure she doesn't over-do it with the magic. We've got our mate bond still, remember? If anything goes seriously wrong, I'll know."

"It'll be fine, Soren," I assured him with a smile I hoped looked convincing. "I've been practicing; it's only to put his mind at ease. Nothing's going to happen."

He nodded uneasily, but that was that. We each split up, knocking on each of the houses and telling the people where to reconvene; either at the west side of the village or in the castle cellars. When we had everyone, we met up with Emil and the rest of the fighters. I kissed James quickly on the cheek before I gestured to Soren to follow me. I kept my head up, assessing the nearby buildings to see where I'd be able to get a good vantage point.

"There," Soren announced, pointing up. I followed his finger to a tall building more to the center of the village, but with the best height vantage I would find. I nodded, running over and stopping at the base.

"Give me a leg up?" I asked. He entwined his fingers and bent down for me to put my foot up and use it to boost me up. I grabbed a window ledge and hauled myself up, climbing with Soren behind me until we reached the top of the building. I let out a heavy sigh of exhaustion once at the top and turned around to face west, bending over slightly to recover from the overexertion of my energy. I narrowed my eyes at the distance, trying to see past the trees, and widened my eyes as I realized Anthony and his wolves were a lot closer than we thought they would be at this time of the day; it was only just past noon. It didn't make sense, but I knew I wasn't seeing things. He was here, and he was ready.

"James!" I screamed, waving down at him and Emil. "They're just over the tree line! Get everyone into position!"

James moved quickly, along with our people, and everyone filed into their positions. Most of our fighters shifted into their wolf forms, except for those who were stronger in their human forms, and braced themselves. I sent a nervous glance over at Soren, who nodded his head encouragingly at me, and so I returned my attention to the west. I closed my eyes, splaying my hands out in front of me, and concentrated, just like I did in the forest with James. And, just like that, I felt a ripple come from my palms and spread outward. I opened my eyes, kind of surprised that it actually worked, and watched the invisible magic swell outward and spread further up and out until it was encasing the whole village. I held my palms where they were, straining already at the sheer intensity of the power coming from me, but I held firmly.

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