Chapter Seventeen.

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I wasn't out for very long; my eyes blinked clumsily as I tried to take control of my limbs, but I was being held in a way that made it very difficult. I felt my body jostling, which told me I was being carried and we were walking, but apart from that, I didn't know what else was going on. I couldn't see; my face was pressed up against an arm, and I had to pull my head back to try and capture a breath. The walking stopped, and I was suddenly placed on the floor. I grunted, my teeth beginning to chatter as I was able to open my eyes again. I peered up, seeing a piercing blue eye staring down at me, paired next to a white eyeball that saw nothing.

"I'm cold," I chattered, struggling to sit up. Terk knelt down next to me, a hand behind my back as he helped me up.

"You're burning up," he told me, a hand pressing against my forehead. My teeth chattered again.

"I'm- I'm cold hot," I explained, blinking heavily as I looked down. Blood was staining the snow around where I was sitting; lots and lots of blood.

"Can you tell me where James is? Is he close? What way is he?"

I looked around, feeling my brain beginning to focus on Terk's words. James. My mind sharpened, and I nodded, wincing as I tried to turn my head slightly. I felt a light, airless feeling grace my lungs as I looked slightly to the right, and I felt the feeling expand. I lifted my hand shakily, pointing through the trees. My eyes flickered down to my hand, and I frowned as I remembered I was missing a finger.

"He's coming," I said quietly as Terk went to pick me up. "He's not far. You could probably see him if you walked past that rock."

He hesitated, then got up and jogged over to the rock I was referring to. My heart sang as I realized James was here; soon, I would be in his arms, and everything would be okay. Suddenly, my wounds didn't seem so painful; I felt as though I could fly.

"James!" Terk shouted, and I lifted my head again as Terk slowed to a stop, and held his arms out. I saw him, in that moment as the men embraced, and a lazy smile found its way to my mouth.

"Where is she?" I heard him say. It was a matter of seconds before he was kneeling in front of me, and his scent overwhelmed my nose. I was finally home, and safe.

"Fuck me," he whispered, eyes wide as he took in my state. I frowned at him.

"Maybe later," I replied, and Terk choked on a laugh. James, however, was looking at me as though I had grown a third eye.

"Are you okay? What-"

"I'm okay," I murmured, leaning forward until my forehead was pressing against his chest. I closed my eyes, breathing in deeply, and a sense of calm washed over me. "Just a little sore."

"A little sore?" he snapped, holding my shoulders and leaning back so he could get a good look at me again. "Rhea, you're practically bleeding to death! What the fuck did he do to you? And how did you get out?"

"I snatched the gemstone and we got out in the confusion," I explained as Terk came to crouch down next to us. I gave him a sad smile. "He wasn't gentle with us, but we're okay."

"I've healed from most of my injuries," Terk said quietly, his eyes flickering down to my body. "He was a little harsher with Rhea."

"He wanted to know about the gemstone. I didn't tell him what he wanted to know, and he got angry."

"I'm going to fucking bury him alive," James scowled, and it was only then I noticed his eyes were glassy. "Look at what he's done to you." He lifted my hands gently, his eyes trailing down my arms and to my leg. His eyes hardened and his jaw clenched.

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