Chapter Nineteen.

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"How come you didn't tell me she was alive?" I snapped at James as soon as we stepped out of the room.

"I didn't tell you she was dead," was his reply. I narrowed my eyes.

"It's not the same," I muttered. "I felt like an idiot."

"No one thinks you're an idiot."

"I do," I grumbled. "Right, we need to warn our people. And maybe have a meeting with the advisors? How's Terk holding up since we saw him yesterday?"

"Fully healed and ready for revenge. Meeting first, then fill in the people?"

I nodded as we moved back through the castle to the meeting room, clutching the gemstone in my hands as tightly as I was able. I did not want to let it slip out of my hands, or get lost again. It was the only way I knew I would be able to save everybody and get rid of Anthony once and for all.

We entered the meeting room at the same time as Emil, with Terk, Violet and Soren already standing around the table and looking up as the rest of us arrived. I moved over to Terk straight away, giving his arm a tight squeeze.

"You sure you're okay?" I pressed, my eyebrows creasing up in worry. "You lost a lot of blood."

"I'm fine," he assured me with a laugh. "Like I said, I was better off than you. If you're good, I'm great. I just want to drive this bastard six feet under already."

"You're not touching him," I growled, earning me another laugh. "No one gets the pleasure but me."

"What about me?" James protested. "He's my brother."

"But he wants my throne," I argued, giving him a look that dared him to challenge me. "And my blood. And my powers. I'll be damned if anyone lays a finger on him but me."

No one knew what to say. I could see a newfound stab of pride flashing through James' eyes, but everyone else looked uneasy, like they didn't know where to look or what to say as I openly announced my right to the throne. But I cleared my throat, knowing it wasn't a good time to get into it, and forced a tight smile to my face.

"We have a lot to do in a short time," I announced, glancing around at all my friends. "I don't know when he plans to attack, but he won't be waiting. He'll be angry, that's for sure."


I looked up quickly, frowning at Emil.


"Tomorrow," he repeated. "He's attacking tomorrow."

I blanched.

"Are you sure?" James jumped in, and Soren nodded, shooting me an empathetic glance.

"While you were recovering in your room, we received word from one of our spies," he explained. "There's a group of werewolves making camp in the west, between Golden Light and Silver Moon. They've just set up camp; Anthony is with them. If they aren't attacking now, they'll be waiting until tomorrow, most likely as the sun sets so they can utilize the power of the moon."

"He'd be stupid to do it any other way," Emil added. "This is going to happen whether we are prepared or not."

I hesitated, thinking for a moment. Everyone was looking at me, including James. They were waiting for orders. I cleared my throat, straightened my back and looked up.

"Violet, I would appreciate if you went with Terk and helped him set traps around the village. You can get it done quicker with the two of you, and you might be able to learn some more about Anthony, since Terk's obviously dealt with him a little more personally." Violet's eyes widened, but she nodded quickly before she did anything else, glancing at me with a smile when she thought I wasn't looking.

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