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Jimin was thrown into the ground with force and he bounced like a pebble sped thrown into the water. He crashed into a rock breaking it before falling in his face on the rocky ground. The impact had knocked every wisp of air from his lung and he lay there struggling to breathe.

With every remaining strength within him, Jimin tried to stand up by pressing his palm against the ground but before he could do so a foot shoved into his back forcing him to remain down. He sharply exhaled through his mouth and the dirt near his face blew away as he tried to gather the energy within him.

"Weak" Taehyung sneered and threw another kick on the side of his limp body. Jimin flew backward and collided with a tree, snapping it in half.

Jimin was already weak to the point he could barely hoist his finger and by now all of his chakras had depleted as well it couldn't use his elemental powers either. He lifted his head up and stared at the man who had already lost his sanity. The crazy look on Taehyung's face and the sword he was wielding made Jimin accept that it was really the end of the universe.

Jimin wanted to fight to protect innocent lives but he was no match for satan standing before him. The darkness that had devoured Taehyung had made him a hundred times more powerful than his previous self and the sword he possessed was capable of deflecting all of the elemental powers.

"I can't die here, I need to stop you for her sake" Jimin whispered in an exhausted voice. Not wanting to give up, he forcibly managed himself in a sitting position and leaned his back against the remaining part of the tree.

"I need to protect my people, I need to protect my Kingdom, and most of all I need to take revenge for my wife," The will inside of him burned like wildfire as he spat the blood in his mouth and forced himself to stand in his wobbly feet.

Loud malicious laughter filled the entire space and Jimin narrowed his eyes at the man who was chortling throwing his head backward.

"World" Taehyung chuckled bitterly as he averted his attention to the man looking like he would break even from the slightest movement.

"People" He took deliberate steps toward the man on the ground.

"Kingdom" He halted in front of Jimin and crouched down to his level.

"They mean nothing to me now, With her gone, this world is a worthless piece of shit that has no right to exist" Taehyung took a stone from the ground and crushed it in his fist.

"I will crumble it into nothing but ashes for her sake," Taehyung raised up and released his fist letting the stone that had transmuted into dust due to his strength fall freely.

"I will purify this world from its curse for her sake" His expression turned into a dark and threatening one.

"Now perish along with this twisted world"

Taehyung flung his sword at Jimin but before the sword would reach him, someone blocked the attack with his one hand. His irises went as wide as watching the raven-haired man obstructed the strike of the ultimate sword with just a mere hand.

Jungkook pushed the unknown man away from him and swirled around to give him a bone-crushing back kick that made him topple and fall harshly on the ground. He sniffed the air around him and soon his eyes landed on Jimin, who was beaten and on the ground then shifted to the sword that was in the hand of the man he had just kicked.

For some odd reason, both had the smell of his Noona lingering on them.

Jungkook had no idea who both the men were but he could apprehend from the conversation they were having, that the one on the ground was trying to save the world and the one with an insane look in his eyes with the sword that smelled like his noona wanted to destroy everything in his way, therefore, he knew who was his enemy.

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