4: New friendship

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Jungkook's heart and lungs were pumping adrenaline as he ran along with the wind. From the corner of his eyes, he could see his animal friends running adjacent to him.

"I told you it was not a good idea, " Lexie the bunny he was carrying on his shoulder scolded him in fright.

"I just wanted to be friends with everyone in the forest" the thirteen-year-old lad voiced out his reason for trying to befriend Manda 'The serpent' who was now back of them chasing to hunt them down.

"It's a serpent for god's sake, not a friendly spiritual creature like we are" the bunny hissed, mentally facepalming at his naiveness.

"Run faster" the fox who was also accompanying them shouted sensing that the serpent was getting nearer.

Jungkook quickened his pace and jumped as he reached the edge of one cliff to another and then turned around hoping that the serpent had stopped chasing them. The serpent halted its movement at the edge of the cliff and intensely stared at the human boy who dared to come inside his cave and disrupt his sleep. All the other animals that were beside Jungkook leaped in joy when the serpent turned around and disappeared from their sight.

"Phew! That was close" Jungkook let off a deep sigh in relief and wiped the sweat formed on his forehead using his sleeves. The bunny jumped down from his shoulder and bit him on his leg.

"ouch" Jungkook pulled his leg up wincing in pain.

"Because of you, We nearly got eaten up today" The fox nodded its head in agreement and they started to walk toward the hut that was situated in the heart of the forest.

"Sorry guys, I thought if we would be friends with the badest creature in the forest then we could roam around the forest without any fear..."

Just then a rattling sound with the scrunching of grasses was heard and within a second the huge serpent was right before them, hissing while showing its venomous teeth.

"Ahhh" Jungkook along with his animal friends screamed in unison as the serpent lunged forward to devour them but stopped when Tiara emerged out of nowhere in between them.

"Move" Manda commanded the Demon queen looking fiercely into her eyes.

"I'm sorry I can't let you harm them, " Tiara said firmly returning the glare of the serpent with the same intensity.

"That human dared mocked me, the king of the demon serpent, I will not let spare him" Manda's voice was loud and threatening making Jungkook shiver in fear

"The human you are talking about is mine and I will not allow you to touch even a single hair in his body with a wrong intention" She countered back will a neutral expression.

"Let's see then" Manda challenged as he slithered forward to attack her.

It didn't even take fifteen minutes for Tiara to immobilize the Serpent King using her crystal. Even though the mighty and proud creature was the King of demon serpents, he was nothing against the queen of all the demonic creatures and also one of the greatest warriors of the Pyracea famously known as 'Titania'.

"Kill him,"

"throw him out of the forest,"

"exile him"

All the animals of the forest were gathered around them, howling and roaring different kinds of punishment for the defeated serpent, who was now captured inside a crystal.

"No!" everyone's attention was shifted to Jungkook.

"If we throw him from his home where will he go? He might not be friendly but this place is his home too and no one has the right to snatch his home away from him" Tiara's eyes went softer hearing Jungkook's opinion. He was truly a very kind boy, seeing the world in its purest form.

Jungkook's words managed to shut the mouth of everyone present there. Growing up in the forest, all the creatures there, being spiritual or demonic had accepted and loved the human boy, therefore, his verdict was listened to and acknowledged by all.

Tiara set the serpent free and he slowly transformed himself into its human form. The serpent had long green hair and tanned skin with a masculine body structure. Jungkook orbs became larger, fascinated by the magical transformation of a snake into a human form.

He gradually approached the human boy and then outstretched his lands toward him "Our enmity ends here" Hearing the little boy defend him even after he tried to kill and devour him had successfully changed his heart. Manda didn't show it on his face but he was truly touched by the kind lad's words. After all, the forest of doom was the only place he could find shelter since his home was destroyed due to the war.

A huge grin appeared on Jungkook's face and showing off his adorable bunny teeth Jungkook shook his hand initiating a long-lasting friendship.

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