9: Responsibility

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Tiara quietly sneaked back to the palace using the portal she always used to go in and out of the Pyracea. Spending some time with Taehyung had helped her gain back her lost will of fire. She quickly changed into her training attire and headed to the training ground with her newfound determination to master her control over her powers. Kookie was her responsibility now and she had every intention to fulfill the promise she made to Torio and protect their youngest sibling from any harm.

When she reached the ground her expression immediately hardened at the scene of her little brother sparing with Jimin who was thrice his size. With wobbling legs gathering every bit of strength remaining in his tired body, Kookie was standing on his feet pointing his sword at Jimin, who looked calm and composed.

"What is happening here?" Tiara placed herself between them in a flash and wrapped her arms protectively around her brother.

"His Majesty has ordered him to start his training from today" Jimin informed Tiara with a straight face.

"What? why? he is just five years old" Tiara questioned in frustration not understanding the situation because his formal training was to start when he would reach thirteen. 

"He is to become the crown prince of Pyracea. We need to prepare him for his duty towards the realm" even the thought of her little brother going through intensive training at such a tender age made anger boil inside her.

"It's ok Tia, I need to get stronger for the kingdom, for you" Kookie smiled adorably and slightly pushed Tiara away signally not to interfere.

"Kookie ..." she tenderly gazed at her little brother with a heavy heart. For a five-year-old kid, he was very understanding and responsible.

Tiara pulled Kookie into her embrace and placed a peck on his forehead before stomping out of the ground without even sparing a glance at Jimin. Breathing heavily in anger, Tiara burst into her father's office without notifying the guards about her arrival and vented her frustration disregarding the fact that she was in the presence of the king of the realm.

"Father, please stop this atrocity. Kookie is only five years old, how will that tiny body handle such torture?" The King of Pyracea slammed his fist on the table making Tiara flinch.

"How dare you question my order?" Azriel's voice was threatening and loud however this didn't shut the princess down.

"I will not stay quiet and watch you impose your selfish decisions on him," Tiara spat those words like venom.

"Leave" her father ordered coldly massaging his temple.

"Guards" The King yelled at the top of his lung and the guards were abrupt to heed his commands.

"Escort the princess out" he gave them the command without even glancing at her and guards rush beside Tiara to drag her out.

"Can't you for a second, just for a second stop being a king and be a father to us" her voice cracked at the end as she yanked the hands of the guards away.

The death of her mother; the king's first wife, Azriel turned into an emotionless cold king whose only priority was to avenge her. Drowned with a thirst for vengeance he worked day and night tirelessly with the motive to destroy the people that snatched his mate and the mother of his two children. He exhausted himself for the sake of his realm but ended up neglecting his children. Tiara couldn't remember the last time he gazed at her with affection or held her tenderly.

The King slumped back into his chair "Go back to your quarter, princess" he requested her.

"No, not until you take back the order, you snatched our childhood, and I won't let you do the same with Kookie" She stood in her spot stubbornly, glaring at the guard with warning eyes.

"Do you think I am doing it willingly? Tell me what choice do I have?" After his outburst, the king began to cough viciously.

Tiara rushed beside her father and rubbed his back to help him ease. Tiara poured the water into the golden glass and passed it to The King who finished the content in one gulp and gestured the guards to leave.

"After the death of the crown prince, internal conflicts are increasing, questions are being raised on Kookie's right to succession and his inheritance. People are worried for their future, wondering if he is even fit to be the heir to the throne" He began after stabilizing his breath. It was unsaid truth that everyone knew that Kookie wasn't the blood of the King since, after the death of his first wife, the king married his close friend's widow.

"We need to prepare him, Tia. He has to be ready to take the responsibility of the realm," he stated with deep despair in his heart. The death of a child was the worst pain a parent could ever go through but he continued speaking without bothering the pang that was spreading all over his body missing his beloved son.

"We need to make Kookie capable prince because I don't think I have much time left " Tiara closed her eyes shut not wanting to accept the truth. But living with the agonizing pain of losing the mate had weakened the king to the point he couldn't stand on his two feet without support.  The untimely demise of the crown prince had added to his degrading health.

"Kookie needs to get strong for the future of Pyracea" Azriel glanced at the spitting image of his wife, his daughter as he forced himself to speak.

"You need to get strong too my daughter for the sake of our Kookie" Tiara nodded her head sniffing finally understanding her father's perspective.

For the sake of the kingdom, she and Torio had to go through vigorous training since they were little. Their childhood had rusted away carrying the load of the crown therefore Tiara had always thought that she would not let her little brother face the same fate but unfortunately, fate had other things planned for the little boy and she didn't have the power to change their destiny so the only choice she had was to accept whatever the life would throw upon her.

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