7: Grief

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The entire kingdom of Pyracea was mourning the death of their beloved crown prince as they had lost a very capable heir and the future of the realm. The flag of their kingdom was flown at half-mast while all the citizens wore black to honor the memory of the prince.

Seven day mourning period was announced, where people of the realm would visit the memorial of their prince to pray for his peace in the afterlife. 

After the Crown prince's state funeral, Tiara locked herself up inside her room without eating or drinking. The way the sword pierced through her brother's heart would flash in her mind every single second breaking her down in despair.

"It should have been you."

"You should have died instead of him."

Her inner self would repeatedly taunt and curse her for being alive. Not only did she lose her brother that day but her incapability to control her power had resulted in the death of numerous of their soldiers.

The guilt was tearing her apart piece by piece.

"Tia, open the door" a soft baby voice called her from the other side of the big wooden door.

"If Tia no eat then kookie no eat too." The child's voice was trembling as he tried to convince his beloved sister to open and eat somthing.

"Tiara, open the door, Kookie has not even touched his food ever since you locked yourself" She could hear Jimin's worried voice pleading with her from the other side of the door.

"Do you want Kookie to get sick?" Tiara slowly traipsed to the door and opened it letting the man and the boy enter the room.

"Tia, let's eat together, I'm hungry." The little prince lifted the tray of food with teary eyes.

Her heart immediately softened witnessing the little boy's sparkling eyes. She could never bring herself to deny her baby brother's requests so she nodded her head and allowed Kookie to feed her.

After feeding him and making him sleep she finally came face to face with Jimin who was there all along.

"Where were you when we needed you?" she asked him with a cold expression.

"Where was the strongest man of Pyracea when his crown prince needed him?" Her voice was louder than before.

Jimin stood in front of her with his gaze focused on the ground. He had failed the country and most importantly failed her.

"I asked you lord Jimin, where were you?" She grabbed his collar and jerked him forward.

Jimin could feel his heart shattering looking into the eyes of the girl he loved ever since he remembered. Her eyes held anger and hostility and that suffocated him till death.

If it was possible he would have gladly taken the stab in place of the crown prince who was like a brother to him but at that time, he was battling with The King of Euphoria along with some other knights from their enemy realm. Since he was the strongest warrior of Pyracea only he was capable of going hand in hand with the strongest man of the Euphoria, "King Taejong"

His heart was hurting seeing her ignore him still he would not blame her for being distant. He was the one who had failed her, and because of his incompetence, she had lost her brother. Even he was blaming himself for not being able to prevent the tragedy from happening and the thing that scared him the most was the fact that the strike was meant for Tiara. His body shivered at the thought that the sword would have pierced her heart if the crown prince had not intervened.

Tiara pushed Jimin away after getting no response from him and walked out of the room leaving him alone. She was rambling aimlessly wrapping her arms around herself and without realizing she had reached the Spring using the portal she had placed on the tree near the cliff.

The war had taken yet another member of her family from her. Her mother died trying to bring peace between the two kingdoms and now her brother. Not even the beautiful scenery of Spring would be able to ease the pain she was feeling. Her grief was like the ocean, coming in waves and swiping her off from the shores to the deepest pit of despair.

All of their memories came, hunting her and making living suffocating for her.

As she reached the other side of the pond she could see a familiar man standing there throwing pebbles into the water. He quickly turned around to face her sensing her presence and gave her a radiant smile.

 He quickly turned around to face her sensing her presence and gave her a radiant smile

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"Yah noisy namyoja " He called her.

With every step she took toward him, his face became clearer in her view. His artistic looks and dazzling smile were like a ray of light in her dark cold life. "Look what I have made..." without any warning, she engulfed him in her arms and began to sob uncontrollably.

Taehyung was shocked by her sudden action but seeing her breaking down like a child he decided to hug her back. It was extremely difficult for him to witness the woman he was in love with breaking down miserably therefore he gently caressed her hair in an attempt to soothe her.

"Tae" She called him in between her sobs clinging tighter to him with her eyes closed to avoid the painful reality.

The warmth of his arm finally gave her some peace that she was desperately seeking, she felt a sense of belonging with him. The hole in her chest was slowly being filled as she indulged herself in his warmth. It was then she realized that she was truly in love with the man she was desperately holding on to.

"Tia" he held her close to him burying his face in the crook of her neck. He didn't know what was making her cry but he felt like he could do anything in his power to stop her tears and see her smiling face.

It was strange because he rarely felt so strongly for anyone. In fact, after his brother's death, he had begun to believe he could no longer feel any kind of emotion except for rage. Tiara was the person who bought back the feeling of being alive to him. She was the ray of hope in his dull worthless life so he couldn't let his ray of light fade away due to anguish.

"I am here for you" he whispered against her skin promising her he would make things right no matter what it was.

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