Chapter 6

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5 years later

Petal/Athena POV

I sent a smirk over to Margo who was shaking her head at the guy in front of her. She caught my look and rolled her eyes at me as she gestured at Dom and rolled her eyes. He whipped around to see who she was communicating with and searched the packed club with angry eyes until they met mine. Then his face softened and he gave me a sheepish grin as I began to make my way over to them.

"Hey, Goddess." Dom teased and I sighed at him.

He along with a few other gang members and friends loved to tease me about my middle name. I turned my glare to Margo and she shrugged. I blamed her every time any of them teased me since she was the one who told them that my middle name was Athena.

"What's going on, Dom? Why does Margo look like she wants to kill you?" I asked as Margo glared back at him.

"Eh. She's always mad." he offered.

I shook my head at that, "No way! She's always happy with me." I sang back at him as I made my way over to my best friend.

Right away she caught on and wrapped her arm around my waist to pull me closer.

"Hell yeah I am! Petal knows how to take good care of me." she winked as she emphasized the word good.

Dom glared at us both.

It was common knowledge that Margo and I had explored a sexual and romantic relationship with each other right after leaving the Lost Boys. We were each other's first everything. Kiss, relationship, fuck everything.

It sounded strange but it made perfect sense to us. For a long time, we could only trust each other. We just weren't ready to let anyone else in that way. We were also bitter that we never had control over our own bodies. We wanted to make our own choices and we wanted to do it sooner rather than later. We didn't trust that our 'families' wouldn't find us.  It just seemed logical to try to make the relationship even more but after a few months, it was obvious that while we loved each other, we knew far too much about one another to have a lasting romantic or sexual relationship.

Of course, that didn't mean that we didn't fool around when we were both unattached and feeling frisky. Sometimes we even had threesomes together. Dom knew about that firsthand. It was just sex though.

It was also common knowledge that Dom adored Margo. He was madly in love with her and I was beginning to suspect that my best friend loved him back. She was just too scared and proud to ever admit it.

So instead, they argued and fought. Then they hooked up when they thought no one would noticed. Of course, we all knew. By we I mean the entire gang. The three of us had gotten together a few times as well. It was fun but I always knew that Dom and Margo had feeling for each other so I tried to steer clear after a while. I think Margo liked for me to join them so it would feel less like a real relationship.

The last five years had changed us in the best ways. Gone were the scared, lonely girls that hid in a room at the clubhouse and did whatever men told us to. We joined my Grandmother's old gang as soon as we escaped the MC. The gang was far from perfect but it was the closest to a family that either of us had ever known and they were the first group we had ever felt safe with.

The Rebels gang lived up to it's street name. We rebelled against anything that we didn't agree with. Racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, we worked chaos against anything and anyone who tried to keep these oppressive ideals alive. We also worked to take down the evil rich in anything and anyway we could.

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