Chapter 10

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POV Petal

I smirked as I looked at the startled, angry and scared faces of the Lost Boys. They really weren't expecting this. The looks on their faces when I pulled a gun on Shooter and then again when they realized they were surrounded were amazing but when Laddie and his crew pulled out the other group of the Lost Boys I could see defeat in most eyes and let me just say, it was worth the wait.

"Now that everyone is here, let's have a chat, shall we?" Sunny smirked at the group and motioned for the Rebels to herd the MC into the garage. We were prepared for this and had set up plenty of chairs. Each Lost Boy member had at least one Rebel member 'escort' them into a chair and tie them to it but not before taking all the weapons on them. By the end, we had acquired quiet the stash of weapons.

"Who are you?!" my darling Father demanded as Thor and Sunny stood in front of the group. Nat, Deck, Margo, Dom and I joined them there as the rest of our gang stood at the back and around the sides of the MC to ensure that we were protected and that the men weren't going anywhere.

Sunny giggled and looked to Thor who wore a smirk of his own.

"Should we tell them?" she asked as she looked to Nat, Margo and I.

We all nodded and chuckled.

"We, my dear bikers, are the Rebels. Maybe you've heard of us?" Sunny announced.

For a split second there was complete silence. I watched as the color drained from the MC men's faces especially Bear and Viper. I was surprised that the two of them had been so quiet so far but I had a feeling that was about to change.

As fast as the quiet came, it was gone. Shooter started yelling as did our fathers and most of the rest of the MC. I could only catch bits and pieces but it sounded like they didn't believe that we really were the Rebels and they didn't understand why the gang was concerned with Margo and I.

I looked over to Margo who rolled her eyes and sighed. She gave a ear piercing whistle that I normally hated but I was glad for it in this moment and everyone silenced and looked at her. She in return looked to me. I gave half a smile and nodded to her in thanks as I stepped forward.

"Boys... Boys. Is this anyway to behave? We can't answer you if you all yell. Surely y'all learned this in elementary school." I said with a sneer.

"Most of them didn't go to school." Margo reminded me in a mocking tone.

I pretended to look surprised and hit my head with my hand.

"That's right. I forgot. No need for an education or any sort of manners when all you do is drink, do drugs, ship guns and beat women." I snapped as I glared at them.

"You better watch your mouth, little girl." Dad snarled back and I rose an eyebrow at that.

"Or what? You are tied to a chair, with no weapons, surrounded by one of the most powerful gangs around. What can you really do to me right now?" I shook my head at him.

"I'm still your Father..." he began but I cut him off, knowing that he would hate the disrespect.

"Father?" I laughed mockingly and looked to Margo.

She shook her head and smirked at me.

"Hey, Margo? Were our 'Fathers' around when we were woken every night screaming from nightmares?" I asked her.

She pretended to think for a moment and then shook her head, "You know, I don't think they were. We held each other during those nights while our 'fathers' were too busy getting shit faced and fucking anyone that would let them."

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