Chapter 11

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POV Bear/Ace

Shit! Shit! Shit! This had all gone sideways so fucking quick! I glared up at Petal and Margo. They weren't the girls we thought they were. Petal smirked back at me as I fumed in a rage. Sunny then stepped forward. I cast a disbelieving look at Thor. How could he allow this woman to run his gang with him? Disgusting.

"Here's the deal, Petal, Margo and Nat deserve some peace. They have worked hard to have the lives they have and they should be able to enjoy them. They don't want to kill or hurt any of you but we will if needed." Sunny began.

I looked over at Viper who seemed to be the only one really listening to her. I glanced at the rest of my MC and they all shoot glares and looks of disbelief that a woman was talking to them in such a way.

"Petal and Margo deserve to be punished for their betrayal and then submit to their men and family. Nat deserves whatever Shooter decides." my dad spat back.

"Shut the hell up! How dare you talk to us! Go back to the kitchen where you belong!" Viper's dad added.

The rest of the Rebels looked enraged at their words but the ones up front just exchanged amused looks.

Sunny chuckled as she slowly approached our dads. She pulled out a large knife as she circled our former President.

"Tsk, Tsk." she whispered.

"I get that you are scared of strong women. I understand how inferior and scared I make you feel." she began in a calm voice as she leaned down to be eye to eye with him.

Quickly she brought her blade down and stuck it in his upper leg. He yelled in pain and she smiled.

"But if you EVER speak to me that way, you will leave with your tongue cut out. Understand?" she yelled over him.

He looked away in pain so she reached down and slightly turned the blade that was still buried in his leg.

"I asked if you understood." she pressed and he quickly nodded.

"I need words." she added as she pushed the blade further in.

"I understand." he stuttered out and looked down in shame as she patted him on the head.

"Good boy. Now I didn't hit any major veins so this may hurt but you'll live. You can thank your daughter for that. She and Margo didn't want anyone to die tonight. We agreed to try but didn't make any promises". She added as she pulled the blade from his leg harshly.

I could feel the rage growing in myself and my MC at the disrespect that our former president just had to endure. I would make sure that Sunny and the Rebels would all pay painfully for what they had just done.

I was, however, encouraged by the fact that Petal and Margo didn't want any of us to be killed. That alone proved that they still cared about us. I felt a flicker of hope as I looked up to Petal. She furrowed her eyebrows at me as I licked my lips as I looked her up and down.

She looked so good. She was all tatted up with a nose piercing which I didn't think I would like but I surprisingly did. She had grown up in all the right places and despite the situation I was in, I felt my cock harden at the sight of her. She scoffed at me but I knew that it was an act. I knew that she wanted me. That she loved me.

"Here's the deal, boys." Sunny continued.

"You are going to leave these girls and our gang alone or things are gonna get real bad, real fast for you and your little MC." she added and finally stopped staring at Petal and smirked at Sunny.

"Yeah, right. The Rebels may be an impressive name in the gang world but we are stronger and have more allies. Once the other MC's hear what you've done, they will be begging to join us and destroy you." I shot back.

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