Chapter 19

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POV Petal

After getting Ash/Eagle set up with his food in the kitchen, I hurried to my room. As I walked by the living room I made eye contact with Nat and Margo. They both nodded slightly, knowing that I wanted them to meet with me. A few moments later the three of us were locked in my room together.

"Is it him?" I rushed to ask Nat and she sighed.

"I won't know until I see the symbol but it sure sounds like it." She answered.

"Fuck!" I paced.

"We have to tell the others. There's no choice now." Margo spoke up and Nat and I reluctantly nodded.

"I just don't get the timing. Why wait until now?" I pressed.

"Maybe he found us when the Lost Boys did. He must have another spy in their ranks." Nat replied.

"That would make sense. He would need someone else since he lost Nat." Margo added.

"Shit! They are all gonna hate me." Nat cried with tears in her eyes.

"No they won't. They will understand. It just might take them a while to understand." I soothed her.

"But I'm a traitor. That's all they are gonna think." She continued to cry.

"You NEVER betrayed us or The Rebels." Margo insisted.

"Plus we already told Sunny and Thor so it's obvious that you were on our side." I added.

"But keeping this from Decker.... he may never forgive me. Dom is like my brother. He's gonna be so hurt." Nat replied with a sigh.

"They will get over it. They may be upset but they will understand. You didn't know who to trust and this knowledge could have easily gotten you killed. By the time we knew that you were safe and The Rebels were spy free, it was history. It makes sense that you didn't want to drudge it all back up for no reason." I rationalized.

"Maybe..." Nat looked hopeful through her tears.

"We're on your side no matter what." Margo hugged her.

"Sisters forever." I added as I joined the hug.

We washed our faces in my bathroom and redid our makeup so that no one could tell that we had been crying before Joker banged on my door announcing that it was time to go.

We walked out with fake smiles on and met everyone in the living room.

"Thrash, Sunny and Thor have called in all The Rebels and The Saints for a meeting at The Rebels clubhouse later this afternoon but they want to meet with us now." Blade/Iron informed us as we walked in.

"Let's go then." I replied and snagged my keys as I slide on my shoes and jacket.

Everyone else did the same and followed me out. Margo was sure to lock all our doors as I checked in with Pops, Lara and Spike at the shop. They were all good and planned to close early to make it to the meeting. We only had a couple appointments scheduled for the morning anyways. I didn't like leaving during business hours and I liked shutting down early even less but it couldn't be helped today. I just hoped that we didn't disappoint our customers.

Spike walked my to the door where our group was waiting for me on their bikes. I noticed that Nat was on the back of Decker's bike. Margo and Dom looked to be arguing in the back of the group but that was normal.

"Don't worry about the shop. We've got it covered. Pops and I will be sure to lock it all up nice and tight and set the alarm." Spike assured me as he opened the door for me.

"Thanks, Spike. I really appreciate y'all." I smiled up at him as he followed me out.

"No worries. That's what we're here for." he grinned back and pulled me into a big hug.

"The Rebels are your family now. We will take care of you always. We've got you." he whispered in my ear before releasing me.

I waved at him as he nodded and walked back into the shop. Then I turned to the rest of the group who I just noticed were completely and unnaturally silent.

I glanced around nervously, not understanding what was going on. Nat and Margo looked amused while the men all had looks ranging from annoyed and confused (Ash/Eagle) to enraged and livid (Joker and Jaden). 

"What?" I asked the silent group.

"Who was that?" Ash managed to ask quickly.

"That's Spike. He works at the shop for us." I looked at Dom and Decker. "You know him. He's been a member of The Rebels for years." I added.

Decker nodded slowly as Dom spoke up, " Yeah. We know him. I've just never seen him so...." he trailed of with a wave of his hand.

"So?" I prompted.

"Caring?" Decker offered.

"Sweet?" Nat said at the same time.

"Obviously trying to get in your pants?" Dom spoke over the other two.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"He is not. He's a friend and he's worried about me. That's it." I waved my hand in dismissal.

"How long has he worked here?" Joker demanded.

"Since we've opened. Not that it's any of your business." I snapped back.

"He works in your shop which is a part of your home. It's my business. I need for you to be safe. Does he have keys?" Joker continued.

"Yes he and Pops both have keys to the shop but not to the upstairs." I sighed as I started walking towards my bike in the garage.

Jaden reached out and grabbed me by a belt loop as a walked by to stop me.

"Where are you going now?" he whispered in my ear as he plastered his front to my back.

"I was going to get my bike so we could go." I sighed.

"You could ride with me?" he offered. I turned around as he released me and looked into his eyes. He still looked angry but it wasn't scary. He stared right back at me as he rubbed his thumb against his bottom lip and cocked an eyebrow at me.

"She's riding with me." Joker demanded. I heard Dom snicker. He knew what was about to happen.

"Nope. I'm riding MY bike. Fuck all of you!" I threw up both of my middle fingers as I hurried to the garage.

A moment later I started up my bike, revved the engine and pealed out. Serves them right. Let's see if they can keep up with me. Assholes.

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