Chapter 13: Geto's Declaration Of The New World

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Nana's POV

"His face changed." Megumi pointed out, kneeling down and examining the body of our deceased opponent where we noticed that Toji's face had changed back into Granny Ogami's grandson. "We're lucky that he ended it himself but what the heck was that?"

In response, I sighed heavily and shook my head at him, putting a hand on his shoulder in reassurance. He was probably thinking about Toji and his last words over and over again in his head. I also looked down at my wristwatch and noticed the time it was now; it was already 11:07 PM.

"Don't think about it now, Megumi. We gotta get to Shoko sensei first. I'm kinda running out of cursed energy right now, so I may be able to heal your minor cuts and wounds only, but not the serious ones though." I stated and Megumi stood up again.

"No. We should make sure Maki Senpai and the others are okay..." Megumi countered back with a serious look on his face as we began to walk out of the narrow alleyway and were making our way back to the main street.

As I was about to say something back to him, all of a sudden, someone slashed Megumi from behind causing me to gasp out loud in horror while Megumi's eyes went wide open in shock.

"Rashomon!" I yelled out, instantly summoning Rashomon from within me, and swatted the person away from behind us.

I quickly looked back and noticed a young man with long blonde hair in a ponytail, looking all bruised and beaten up. I narrowed my eyes at his sight when I suddenly realized who this guy was; he was from Mahito's team who fought Utahime sensei at the Goodwill Event.

"There we go!" the man laughed out maniacally. "This is what I'm talking about! I'm better suited for this kind of stuff!"

From my side, Megumi groaned out in pain and tried to stand up on his own two feet, but failed, unfortunately. Seeing blood oozing out from his newly cut wound behind his back, I quickly rushed back to his side and started to heal his wounds with my reverse cursed technique.

"The 10 shadows technique begins when a sorcerer receives two divine dogs." Megumi started to speak up causing me and the blonde man to give him a confused look. "In order to use other shikigami, the sorcerer and divine dogs must work together to exorcise them. Then the sorcerer gains more shikigami which they can utilize to exorcise and amass up to ten shikigami."

"Are you finished yet?" the blonde asked boredly before a small smile appeared on his face. "That girl from before was pretty strong too. And all of you are still so young."

A girl... Is he talking about Nobara...?

"The thing is... You can exorcise a shikigami with multiple people. But doing so nullifies the technique's effect after the exorcism is done. For the sorcerer, it's a pointless exorcism. But even a pointless exorcism has its uses." Megumi went on and this time his words made me recall back a past memory.

Flashback (On one lazy weekend)

"Do you know why the Gojo and Zenin families are on bad terms?" Gojo sensei asked Megumi, lounging around on his expensive relaxing chair on the porch of the Jujutsu High dormitory while Megumi and I stood in his opposite direction with arms crossed over our chests and a confused look forming on our faces as we leaned against the railing behind us. 

"Were they always on bad terms?" Megumi asked, tilting his head to the side. 

"The worst. I think it was during the Edo period... or maybe Keicho? I forget, but the heads of their respective households killed each other in a fight before the aristocracy." Sensei replied with a shrug. 

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