Chapter 18: His Rival

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3rd Person's POV (Tokyo Jujutsu High, before the Christmas Eve, 2017)

"What is it Yuta?" Panda asked when he noticed the ravenette boy stopped following them and was staring at nothing at a far distance, causing the other two first-years to stop in their tracks and look back at him as well.

"Umm... I just had a bad feeling." Yuta muttered nervously, feeling uncomfortable for some reason.

"It's your imagination." Maki responded with a shrug.

"Just your imagination." Panda repeated, not giving much thought.

"Okaka." Inumaki added with a bored look on his face before they all turned around and started to walk toward the training field again.

"E-Eh, come on guys..." Yuta stuttered out in panic as he felt an eerie presence approaching them closer and closer.

"I mean, Yuta's curse power perception is monkey level." Panda commented.

"Of course, he would be dull with something like Rika at his side all the time." Maki sighed, shaking her head.

"Tuna." Inumaki agreed, nodding his head.

While the students continued their harmless bullying towards Yuta outside at the school gate, inside the school building the 1st year instructor Satoru Gojo and Principal Masamichi Yaga were standing in a hallway, all guarded and prepared as they continued to stare out at the horizon the window as if searching for something.

"We still can't locate Geto." Yaga stated with a frowning face. "You sure you're not worrying for nothing?

"I'm sorry Principal, but that's impossible." Gojo replied in a serious yet calming tone. "I have confirmed it at the scene myself. There is no way I would mistake the scent of Suguru's curse power."

And just then, both of them sensed something eerie had arrived and entered their school campus. It was Suguru Geto.

"Goddammit! Speak of the devil!" Yaga cursed out before rushing down the hallway, shouting out. "All first-class jujutsu sorcerers, gather at the front rotary!"

"How unusual." Maki noted when they all noticed a big bird fly down from the sky and land just a few feet away from them with a man sitting on top of it.

The unknown man was tall and slim with long black hair partially tied up behind his head while the rest drapes down his back. He had small black eyes and bangs that covered his left eye. His earlobes were large enough to fit fairly large circular earrings. To them, he seemed to be looking like a Buddhist priest because of the type of clothes he was wearing; a gold-colored kasaya garment over black yukata robes while completing his monk attire with white tabi socks and zori sandals.

"Yuta's hunch was right." Panda added as they stared at the older unknown man in utter confusion.

"You don't look like you're authorized." Maki pointed out with a frowning face while the man hopped off from the back of the gigantic bird and landed on the ground.

"Haven't seen that big a curse and all." Panda muttered.

"Sujiko." Inumaki added.

"Wah, what a big bird." Yuta mumbled out innocently with wide eyes in awe.

"This place sure hasn't changed." the long black-haired man sighed in a disappointed tone, looking around at the campus, being all nonchalant while ignoring the presence of the four 1st years, and the bird beside him then opened its beak and from inside it, a few more people jumped out and landed beside Geto.

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