6. The perfect life of the Wolf Prince.

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So, miss Corona got me two days after my last update. To make up for the delay, here's a long update.

Happy Reading :))


Matthew Wood had his entire life planned since the time he was nine. Scratch that, he had his entire life planned since before he was born. In fact, his birth was a plan. A plan the entire town of Bluewood came up with because their Alpha needed an heir.

Yes, his mother needed a child to love too but that wasn't the primary reason for his birth. She once told Matthew that she was more into the adoption option than the 'take a stranger's jizz and cook it in your own oven' option. She told him so when he had yelled at his father in his teen anguish and called him just a sperm donor. She wanted him to know that his father wanted him as much as she did. It only proved the opposite. Nevertheless, he never pointed that out to his mother. It was what it was.

The point is, planning and plotting was involved at the time of his birth. Little Matthew, named after his mother's dead mate, knew from a very young age that he was very important. He was the product of a lot of hopes. With hopes came expectations. He would see it in the eyes of the people when his father took him along to survey the town. People would patiently explain things he was too young to understand, all with the hope and expectation that this will be his job a couple of decades on.

So, when his world spinned and stopped on his soulmate at his uncle Henry's anniversary party, things were once again left to the planning and plotting of the good people of Bluewood.

Not that he cared at that point of time. All that he cared for was the serenity he felt when he was close to the person who was different to his eyes than the rest of the crowd there. It was the way all his senses were attuned to her as soon as she entered the hall. He had immediately stalked towards her with a confused Flynn trailing after him because moments ago all of Matthew's attention was on the finger wrestling match he had going on with his favorite cousin.

That's how he spent the rest of the evening, following the heartbeat of this strange person who was different from them all. Things only changed when she sat down at a corner with a plate of chicken drums. Gawking at a person who was looking forward to enjoying a good plate of drums in peace wasn't the most polite thing to do.

Midbite, she noticed him "Want some?" she had offered reluctantly.

Nodding quickly, Matthew had grabbed a piece and sat down next to her.

"And you?" she asked someone behind him. That was when he noticed that his cousin was still trailing him.

Flynn shook his head "Mom said not to take food from strangers who are not pack"

Matthew frowned at his cousin. He couldn't imagine saying no to her. How did he do that?

"Your loss" she shrugged "Aren't you gonna eat that?" she then asked Matthew who was still holding his piece of drum and staring at her. He took a quick bite and nodded again "You are really polite and cute" she continued "If only my devil of a sister was more like you" Matthew preened as she nodded at a little girl in a yellow frock blowing her nose in the handkerchief uncle Jasper was holding up for her "I told my mother that I wanted her to have a boy. Not that she listened to me, you know. It's fine. I only lost like a couple of hundred strands of hair to her evil hands. No big deal"

Matthew then took the opportunity to look at the little girl who dared to hurt his favorite person, she was his favorite person from now till eternity, he had no doubt about that, he narrowed his eyes at her "Do you want me to pull her hair out for you?" he asked after he gulped down the mouthful of chicken he had forgotten to chew.

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