15. The Last Time

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'Fine. Let's go to the mountains'

Kiara looked at the vast forest in front of her. She has never uttered six more self destructive words in her entire life.

They stopped their car at a clearing halfway into the forest at which point Matt explained that they have to use their feet for the rest of the journey to the top of the mountain.

Fine. How far can the mountain be?' Kiara had shrugged. That was fifteen minutes ago. There was no end to the forest that was getting denser with each step they took.

"Are you sure we can get there by nightfall?" Kiara couldn't stop the bite in her tone.

"I really didn't consider the logistics of it all. We usually race to the mountain and reach the peak in ten minutes max" Matt scratched the back of his head "I could carry you. It will take us about seven minutes from here" he offered.

Kiara stopped, almost bumping into a tree "Carry me? What are you? The Hulk?"

"Trust me" He walked ahead to block her path "I am stronger than some CGI animated cartoon"

"That's very offensive"

"To whom? To that imaginary green cartoon?"

"You know what? Fine. Carry me. Let's see if you can carry to the top of that mountain in ten minutes" she challenged, pointing at the one farthest from them, also the tallest one.

"What do I get if I win?"

"This is not a competition"

"No. It's a bet" He shrugged "You win, I do as you say. I win, you do as I say"

"Fine. What do you want?"

"I'll decide that after I win" He replied before dropping down on his knees and tapping his shoulder.

"On your shoulder?"

"I have to reach there in ten minutes which means you are going to be carried as a sack of potatoes really. I hope you don't mind it that much"

"Do we really have to do it?" Kiara said even as she wrapped her hands around Matt's shoulder.

In response, he checked the strength of her hold with one hand before standing up and guiding her to wrap her legs around him "Ready?" Her nod was all he needed to sprint in the direction of the mountain.

Kiara screamed at the sudden dizziness. She really didn't consider that the guy was matching her pace before this moment. He was so much faster than the fastest human she has seen running the olympics. Trees flew by her and all she could see was hazy greens passing by. Nausea started to hit her. She closed her eyes and prayed to whichever God was listening, his or hers, didn't really matter. What mattered was that only the divine could save them from imprinting their faces on the next big tree.

Her senses returned when she felt the movement under her come to a halt. It felt like it took less than a minute, really. There was no doubt that she lost the bet by a mile. Matt, bless his soul, didn't urge her to get off immediately. She took a moment before opening her eyes.

Climbing down, it took her a while to realize that they were back to Matt's car "Why...." she looked at him, confused.

"You okay?" He guided her to the car and opened the passenger door for her to sit. Kiara nodded, gratefully accepting the bottle of water he pulled out from the car earlier. He knelt down on the grass in front of her, eyes hovering over her face, worried.

"I am sorry. I messed up again" He looked like this was the greatest sorrow of his life. Like causing her inconvenience even if unintentionally was something that hurt him "I keep doing that. Again and again and again... I just don't know how...."

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