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Chapter Six - Mission Failed

"Marcella...you better have a good explanation for this." Leo starts before Marcus cuts in. "How the fuck do you know him?!"

I remain silent as I move through the crowd trying to escape Judah's sight. I turn my head to find that he's following me and curse lowly. Practically rushing past everyone I eventually lose him and sigh in relief as I lean against a pillar. It's right behind the food table in a dark corner so nobody can see me, not even the guys. Grabbing a drink, I down it before nibbling on some chocolate while I rack my brain to come up with a plan.


"I don't have a fucking explanation so shut the fuck up and let's finish what we came here for!" I hiss at them before talking strategy. "I need to get him outside."

"The gardens are too risky but there's a rooftop." Leo adds before I hear Marcus grunt. "We just broke the lock so all you need to do is lead him up here. We're going down to bring the car around to exit three."

"The security team have seen us break the lock so I'm going down to take care of them. See you in a few minutes." Leo states before I hear him rush off.

"Got it. I'll keep you both updated."

I finish my drink as I try and think of how I can lead Judah up there without raising suspicion. But I don't end up having to do much because as soon as I take a step Judah blocks my way. The movement startles me and I involuntarily step back against the pillar. He follows and cages me in with a deep chuckle. The blue in his eyes appear darker as they roam over my body with intensity.

My hands splay against his chest as he pushes himself closer to me. A wicked smile plays on his lips before he leans down and kisses behind my ear – the one without the earpiece inside. My eyes flutter shut when he nips my earlobe before peppering kisses from my jawline down to my collarbone. I struggle to remain quiet because I know Leo and Marcus can hear.

"Why are you hiding from me little dove?" He murmurs quietly and I open my eyes to meet his gaze.

"I'm not." I whisper back before I scrunch my nose. "Little dove?"

"Little dove." He murmurs with a nod yet doesn't make a move to elaborate further. "How about we finish what we started that day?"

I know Leo and Marcus are dying to ask what he's talking about. I blush as the memories come rushing back and watch as Judah chuckles while caressing my heated cheeks. I realize that this is probably the best excuse to get him out of the spotlight. He takes my hand once I nod before we leave through the door at the end of the hallway.

We check a few rooms only to figure out that they're all locked. I lean against the wall beside the last room's door on the top floor as Judah sighs in annoyance when that too doesn't open.

"The rooftop's door is open." I state before shrugging indifferently when Judah stares at me.

"So, you don't mind anyone outside hearing you scream my name? Didn't think that'd be your kink Macy." He grins before grabbing my hand again.

I shake my head with a playful roll of my eyes. "I can be quiet."

"I don't believe that. Especially after I had you begging –"

"Okay! Just open the door!" I shove him, or at least I attempt to, but he doesn't move an inch.

He smiles boyishly in response before pecking my cheek and doing as I say. As soon as he takes the first step I trip him but he finds his footing before swinging at my ribs...like he expected this. Shock rushes through me but I have no time to process what's happening. Instead, I pin him to the wall and knee him in the balls. He swears harshly before kicking me back but I get up immediately to land some punches to his face and torso.

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