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Chapter Eleven - Endgame 

I'm pulled out of my dream by something soft caressing my cheek. Humming happily, I snuggle into the warmth while that something soft moves on to caress the area under my eyes, the bridge of my nose and then my jawline before rubbing my bottom lip. I shiver at the feeling and try to push it away but fail. My eyes flutter open to see Judah intertwining our hands with a tender smile on his lips.

"Morning my little dove." His voice is deep and husky, clearly laden with sleep which makes it even more alluring.

"Good morning." I whisper before realizing how long his eyelashes are as they flutter shut.

He hides his face in the crook of my neck and holds me tightly. I chuckle and run my fingers through his hair as I look over to see that Cole is no longer here. Judah groans softly and murmurs a barely audible, "don't stop," as he cuddles up to me. Smiling at his sweet self I lay there contently as birds chirp alongside the quiet voices of the team outside.

"Would you do me the honor of having a breakfast date with me Macy?"

"With your snacks?" I grin and he turns his head to look at me with a playful gleam in his eyes.

"I'll surprise you. It'll be good, I promise."

"I'd love to." I smile and he pecks my cheek before patting my hip.

"Right, get moving then and freshen up. I'll get breakfast sorted." He stands up with an excited grin and I mentally squeal at how adorable he is.

I leave him to it and spend the next few minutes brushing my teeth and relieving my bladder behind a tree in the woods with Reece standing guard a few feet away. I fall into step with her as we make our way back to the camping site.

"Any idea where we're moving to next?" I ask quietly only to chuckle when she playfully arches a brow in my direction as if to say, 'are you really asking me that?'

"We're leaving after breakfast and will probably leave Russia." She sighs as she swats some leaves out of her way.

"Have you been here before?"

"I was born here." She smirks at me before shrugging. "My parents come from dysfunctional families though so as soon as I was born they left for America. Russia doesn't hold many good memories for them and because of that it's of...sadly...not much importance to me either."

"Me and you both on the dysfunctional part." I snort unladylike which makes her laugh.

"I'd be surprised if your parents came from perfect families!" She nudges my side with her elbow. "But everyone's under the impression that your mother is from one though...just married to a devil."

"No...she was forced to marry my dad. My grandparents are evil bastards." I shake my head as we break out of the tree line. "Money sure does make the world go round."

Reece smiles sadly at me and hesitates before speaking her mind. "What if that happens to you?"

"I'd bury myself six feet under the ground before they could drag me to the altar." I wink cheekily before continuing onto my tent.

I hear her soft laughter behind me and it makes me smile. Unzipping the tent, I still at the sight before me. Judah sits on our sleeping bags with a wide variety of food arranged in the middle. He smiles at me and I return it as I put my toothbrush and paste back into my backpack.

"Well, I'm certainly spoilt for choice." I wiggle my brows and he grins before pulling out a flower and handing it to me. I pluck it out of his hands with a gentle smile before meeting his gaze. "Thanks Judah. You're sweet."

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