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Chapter Twenty One - On The Run

Two weeks later.

"Okay dove?"

"Yes." I nod but pull a quick wince as I try to get comfortable in the chair while he takes a seat in front of me.

"I saw that."

"Saw what?" I act dumb as I look around slowly.

He shakes his head with a small, amused smile before picking up his menu. "Come on. What do you want?"

It's been two weeks since we arrived at the first safehouse. We had around four days of resting before dad took over from Cameron on hunting us down. Cameron is suspicious of dad not trusting him fully so he's been ordering us to keep moving and supplying us with co-ordinates that take us further away from dad's men...which isn't going well for me.

We keep switching cars and never rest at an abandoned place or a safe house for more than a few hours. Everyone is taking different routes but sticking close in case something happens then we can reach each other quickly.

My injuries are taking longer to heal because of the constant running and at times my stitches have reopened too. Mother nature also decided to visit me yesterday so I've been having terrible cramps and am not the most cheerful person right now. Parker was with us until he had to ride with Reece and Cole an hour ago who are hurt from our most recent ambush. I'm sure he's relieved to get a break from my short temper if only until the next stop.

"I...I don't know what to get." I whisper as my cheeks heat with embarrassment. "I rarely have any of this stuff."

Judah's eyes widen comically before worry filters through them. "Because you didn't want to or...?"

"My dad had me under a strict training regime so I always ate healthy meals. No junk food." I shrug as I tuck my hair behind my ear. "Last time I had any of this was when I was a kid so I don't remember much."

"What about when you'd stay in hotels while on assignments?"

"Well, I would order fries and stuff but it's been ingrained in my mind since I was a teenager so I never strayed from healthier options." I shrug half-heartedly and bite my lip as I look at the menu again with furrowed brows. "Aside from our food back home I've had McDonald's, some Chinese dishes and just pizza or pasta for Italian. Other than that, I haven't tried much else. His men or guards would be with me whenever I was off main base so they'd instantly report me for disobeying him."

He sucks in a sharp breath and the blue in his eyes darkens due to anger before his expression changes to one of tenderness. "I'll order us a few items and we can share."

"Thank you." I smile gratefully as I set it down. "Make sure to order the poutine."

"I will love." He chuckles just as the waitress comes over. "Are you going to try it at every place?"

"Yes." I whisper with a blush. Ever since I tried it a few days ago I've been craving it.

I notice the waitress eyeing up Judah and frown when she stands a tad too close to him. He looks handsomely dangerous as ever with a muscle tee and ripped black jeans, his favorite leather jacket back in the car because he was feeling too warm.

It's obvious she's into him as she comments on his tattoos with a flirty smile. But when she touches his shoulder as she leans forward I feel like grabbing my dagger from my pocket and cutting that hand right off. Deep breaths Marcella, I think to myself as I look away. You don't like hurting people remember?

His DoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora