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Chapter Ten - Safety Net

I'm woken up in the middle of the night because of an incessant beeping noise. It takes a few seconds longer than usual for my sleepy brain to register that it's a security alarm. My eyes widen before I hop out of bed and rush to open the door. Reece runs down the hall at that exact moment and judging by her panicked expression things aren't good.

"My dad's men are nearby?"

She nods her head before running into Judah's room to wake him up. "Get your stuff. We're not coming back here."

I quickly get changed and pack whatever little I have before grabbing my knife from under my pillow. Hiding it in my pocket I leave the room and meet everyone else in the sitting room. Judah comes strolling in seconds later with his backpack on and yawning loudly. I can feel his body heat seep into mine as he stands close behind me.

I tilt my head to the side when a loud explosive goes off in the distance alongside screams of pain. I remember Reece is the explosives tech and she meets my eyes as we both smirk at each other. Griffin folds up a map before crossing his arms with a hard look in his eyes.

"We're going camping." Griffin states, causing Judah to groan loudly as he explains that Judah is to stick with Cole while I'm with Reece. "Keep up and don't get lost. I'm not going to run around trying to find you –"

"That doesn't count for me right?" Judah frowns at him in confusion. "I'm paying you so if I get lost and you don't find me your ass is fired buddy."

We all stare at him, some of us in mild amusement, before Griffin rolls his eyes. "Let's move."

I make my way out of the back exit with Reece before we break out into a run towards the forest. I can hear a few more explosives go off but there's still some men out there coming after us. Just as we reach the belly of the woods a yell of frustration echoes in the air that prompts us to keep running.

"Shit!" I breathe as I stumble before catching up to Reece.

"Just a little bit longer." She huffs as she glances at me. "We're not that far from them yet."

I nod and keep going. Surprisingly Judah matches our stamina but then again who am I kidding? I saw his toned, muscular body in all its glory yesterday. Of course, he'd have no trouble keeping up. We keep running for what seems like an hour before finally stopping at a small clearing.

"Grab a tent and other things you'll need from me and Parker then set up camp. Three in each tent so Cole will be with Judah and Marcella." Griffin states and I glance at a dagger's handle peeking out from under Cole's jeans. "No fires but you'll have torches and a lantern. Each of us, except Judah and Marcella, will be on patrol throughout the night."

Thank fuck! I think to myself as I cross my arms. Isolation has always been the worst punishment in my book because I've always been afraid of the dark. My father knowing this always took it to extremes and put me in the room without any windows every time. So, hearing that we'll have light in our tents is a sweet relief.

We break away to set up the tent which seems to be more of a struggle that I thought it would be. Eventually, after whisper-shouting at each other, we get it done before I take a seat on my sleeping bag inside. Judah crawls in after before sitting next to me with a boyish grin.

"What are you so happy about?"

"I brought snacks! Can't have you starving now can we Macy?" He exclaims before unzipping his bag to reveal it filled to the brim with almost every food and drink from the first safe house.

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