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I sighed and pulled back my hair as I squatted down to pick yet another pile of files which had fallen down my desk. This is the sixth bloody time that I have to get up to pick up these fallen down files. I swear it feels like as if these files have hands and legs of their own which they are currently using to show off their acrobatic skills. At this rate I am going to have a back which would be more flexible than my neck. Just exactly why had I agreed to work for that royal menace ?

'Behena ne bhai ki kalai pe pyaar bandha hai....aur jao Vikram ki company ki vakalat karo.' My subconscious simply hates to let go off any opportunity of taunting me .

On the first day here at DSR, when I had asked them to provide me with the files which had been previously prepared in relation to this project I did not expect them to plant Eiffel towers on my desk. Heck ! I can't even see the table top, it's as if I'm in the business of selling files.

Knock! Knock!

Supressing the urge to bang my head against the table I stretched my lips to form the well-practiced 'everything-is-under-control-smile' and stood up from behind the desk.

"Aapki smile hai itni heart warming,

Dekhte hi good hojati hai hamari morning."

God I promise I will reply to every good morning forwards on WhatsApp just make this man disappear from my life!

Resisting myself from groaning out loud, I somehow found the strength of manufacturing a diabetes inducing smile.

"Good morning, Mr. Misra."

This man, right here is like a Venus flytrap , he will lure you with his honey coated words and his god awful shayari and will wait for you to approach him and fall in his trap and all this will be done very patiently and finally when the right opportunity arrives he will swallow you even before you realise. The only reason because of which I have not knocked out his teeth is because he is the head of finance department and he is here to stay whereas I am only here for one project . All the employees are under his control and if I want to get done with this project as quickly as possible then I have to take care that this donkey does not stir any trouble for me.

Slithering inside the room , he sat down on one of the two chairs kept in front of my table.

" I just came to check up on you, after all you're new here and you may easily get into some problem. Don't hesitate in coming to me with your problems , it will be a privilege to help someone like you. And why are you standing there ? Come sit down next to me." Pulling the chair closer towards himself he tapped on the seat twice and looked at me.

Don't even think about standing near him...remember the smell of chameli ka tel which almost made you barf on spot the previous time you mistakenly stood near him.

Tightening my hold on the table, I let out a forced chuckle. " It is so nice of you to care about me so much , Mr. Misra. And don't worry everything is going smoothly, thanks to you. It was only once that I had to ask for the files and see on your order I have every file in this room which is even remotely related to this project even though it may not be on finance , how thoughtful of you sir. I am sure no trouble can touch me till you are here. And how can I sit down in your presence sir . You are far too respectful for me to dishonour you like that."

Giving his psycho smile , the chameleon got up and looked around the cabin .

"Oh yeah your workload seems to be a lot for you. If you want I can send some employees to help you."

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