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" Deven...."

Clutching the door handle tightly in one hand, I leaned my weight against the adjacent wall as I took in his appearance.

With the first two buttons open, and his sleeves folded near his elbows, his once crisp and pristine white shirt seemed to have been reduced to a mass of wrinkles. His tie was nowhere to be seen and his coat was carelessly draped over his left arm. And yet he seemed to be as in control and handsome as any other day. He was neither ripped like a viking nor built like a mammoth and yet he seemed like the paragon of masculinity and rugedness. It reflected in the way his light stubble framed his face, and his unruly hair covered his temple, the way his shirt emphasised his muscular chest and arms only to cling to his slim waist. In short he looked capable enough to bring back colour to anyone's pale face.

"Why the hell are you not picking up my calls ?" It was neither the heaviness nor the depth in his voice which caught my attention it was rather the supressed anger mingled with something else which made it dark enough for me to come out of my oggling sessions.

Shrugging my shoulders I gave him a nonchalant look.

"well I don't like to carry my work phone around it usually stays with my assisstant and you must have been calling after work hours that is why no one picked up."

Fisting his hands he took a step closer.

" I have been calling on your personal number what's your excuse for not picking up ?" His eyebrows were furrowed alongwith his jaw clenched tightly.

It seems like I'm tap dancing on his last nerve....well why not give him a good show!

Raising one eyebrow I gave him a mock smile, " I don't pick calls from unknown number sir .....and don't you think calling on my phone this late is quite unprofessional ? I mean apart from being my part time boss you are no one. And I think it would be better if you honour the professional boundaries so that there is never any misunderstanding on both our parts. Well do you need any file..."

While the feeling of getting under his skin was soothing the hell fire of my anger, I was not very keen on facing his reaction. So the moment his control snapped I went for closing the door on his face before he had a chance of pouncing on me. The only thing which I forgot to take into account was his herculean strength. Pushing open the door he had me backed into a wall and breathing down my neck before I could say 'bye'.

Closing his huge palm around my neck, he dragged his thumb from the tip of my chin and traced it all the way down to the base of my throat. Pressing me up further against the wall, such that our chests rose and fell in sync with every breath we shared , he brought his face closer to the side of my face and tickled the tip of my ear with his lips.

"Your assistant said that you were out on a date. With whom did you go out.....hmm?"

And after whispering the question in my ear like a sensual caress which seemed to have touched more places on my heart and body than it could, than it should, he buried his face in my hair.

His large body and the tightly wrapped arm around my waist emphasised my petiteness, the strength with which he was crushing me and yet the care in his touch seemed like the perfect receipe for irony. As the heat from his body seeped into my skin and bones I realised that I wanted to burn in this heat, and burn more and more till nothing of me is left. I wanted to breathe him in as much as possible, and at the same time, hold my breathe for the fear of loosing him.

Every sensation, every breath seemed to tease the life out of me, I could feel the way the goosebumps littered my body and the way my organs were working in overdrive. Fisting his shirt in my hands, I tried to ground myself to reality, to sober up myself from the adrenaline rush which has possessed me completely.

"Did he come this close to you?...did he hold you like this ...hmm...tell me ...I need his name. Tell me Adhweta...who is he? "

He had me where he wanted, at this point even if he had asked me the names of my previous birth's husbands I would have told him. The only thing which stopped me was the hint of anger and possessiveness in his eyes. It reminded me of the reason as to why we are standing here in this position in the first place.

He can get angry when he wants. He can push me and pull me as he pleases as if I am his bloody doll !

Dragging my hand from near his shoulder to his waist I pinched the skin there with all my might causing him to move away from me with a jerk.

" I was out with somebody who is not a nobody. And whom I go out with or whether I hug him or kiss him is none of your bloody business."

"It is my business! You are my business, whether you like it or not."

"Oh am I ? Then let me tell you more about your business, tonight when I met him I first went and kissed him full on his lips and then he had me straddle his lap and then...."

Before I could continue compensating for my lack of sexual encouters with my imagination stemming from all the books which I have read, a hot mouth came crashing down my lips making my tongue his prisoner. The strength with which he was kissing me had me gasping for air. His tongue travelled to every crevice and corner of my mouth as if he was trying to clean it out. It felt as if he was trying to call out to my soul,to come and join his in such a manner that no one would be able to break us apart. Taking out his tongue he pressed his lips to mine with a lot pressure and then licked them with a slow stroke of his tongue.

Gripping my arm he dragged me towards the sofa and after seating himself on it in a leisurely manner, he signalled me with his eyes towards his thighs which were spread wide apart.

Shaking my head from side to side I tried to force my shocked self to move backwards. I had hardly placed my one foot backward when he simply snaked his one leg behind my one foot causing me to fall on top of him. Even before I had taken a breath he had my legs straddle his and my small body tucked into his chest.

" Even these beautiful imaginations of yours are mine."

Raising my trembling hands to my sore lips I brushed it lightly only for me to hiss at the contact.

" It was my first kiss..."

" That's also mine."

Tucking my loose tendrils behind my ear he brushed his thumb on my cheeks in a circle.

" You have claimed so much of me.....but what do I have of you ? "

Hey guys, I hope you all are doing well. I wish you all are happy , healthy and satisfied.

So today's chapter was the first step towards their intimacy I hope you liked it.

They kissed🔥🔥 how do you guys feel about it ? Do share your views so that I can understand how to tackle such intimate scenes in future.

So today's question,

Does any of you have any pillow or teddy or a human pillow without which you cannot sleep?

And how many of you play any musical instruments?

Guys I have been working hard to give you updates I will appreciate a lot if you do vote when you like my work the views are in thousands and the votes don't even make it to 500 it makes me question the quality of my work. So if you like my work don't just add it to your library please do vote so that I get encouraged to write the next work.

Do vote and comment. Stay safe, happy and healthy. Untill next time.

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