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" Again, what were the directions ?"

"A right, then a left, then left again , then straight, then right, then le-...."

"Ugh..fine I get it we won't make it there not at least in this birth. We should have forced that supervisor to come with us. Our job would have gotten easier, but the way the colour drained from his face when we asked about the damaged goods and his hesitancy in telling us about it made me feel suspicious about him."

"Ma'am I think that we should drop this idea. We have been roaming around this warehouse for about an hour but we still haven't found anything."

Resting my back against the wall I slid down and sat on my haunches. The fatigue was finally catching up with me now.

" Shivya I think you should go now. I will look around for some more time."

" But ma'am-..."

" No, don't say anything. You've already helped me a lot. And don't think that I did not notice you rejecting a call for the eighth time. Now go...shoo..."

Releasing a sigh, she came near me and handed over a water bottle and the map of this warehouse. " Forgive me, but you are very stubborn ma'am. Please take care and call me if you need my help." Giving me a small smile she turned around and walked away.

After taking a few deep breaths and a sip of water I again got up and started on my quest for those damaged goods. This warehouse is a three story building with high ceilings, concrete floors and white washed walls. There are numerous rooms for loading, unloading, storage, preparation so on and so forth which are connected through long hallways , staircases and elevators. After having checked all the storage rooms on the second floor for the second time I thought of giving up and called the elevator for the first floor.

Taking off my entry card I looked for the supervisor to return it back. Spotting the back of his head among the rows of boxes in the loading room I started walking towards him while he was busy conversing with one of his staff members.

When I was just a row behind him I could hear them talk.

" Sir these are totally damaged goods with zero salvage value where should I keep them ? Should I keep them in one of our storerooms?"

His question piqued my interest and taking advantage of the fact that I was still out of their vision I hid behind the row of boxes which were kept closer towards them.

" No don't keep them there , they will take up unnecessary space go to the disposal room on the ground floor through the back staircase and keep it there and dispose it off as scrap."

Now this caught my attention, what if those damaged logs of wood were kept there? But again the thing is that wet wood can't exactly be defined as damaged. A few days under the sun and it would become good enough for use. Should I look for those wood pieces there? Checking once won't cost me anything. Unaware of the impending danger I followed the staff towards the disposal room and hid behind one of the storage box.

This room was not a direct part of the ground floor but was connected to the first floor through a staircase and to the ground floor through a long hallway. It was smaller compared to other rooms but it was divided in two sections and was kept in a disorganized manner. When the staff left the room I started looking around the dimly lit room. After moving around hundreds of storage boxes and unfolding various carpets I finally saw the ends of a few logs wrapped in a carpet hidden behind an old shelf case in the second division of the room. Pushing the shelf case with all my might I finally managed to move it to the side a little bit. Reaching around I pulled at the heavy carpet and as it fell around in heaps heavily soaked ,warped and infested wood logs were visible. But what surprised me was that throughout the length of the logs several holes were drilled in a random pattern. Bending down I sniffed at it and it seemed like someone had filled these holes with something which has destroyed these logs to a large extent along with the mould grown on it. It looked like someone had deliberately destroyed them.

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