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That day when I had sent him packing, I had thought that I had saved my sanity only to realize that I had been too late. Every time I decide that I will not think about him, my brain decides to run in the opposite direction and starts flooding with images of him so vivid and my feelings so amplified that I get lost in reminiscing the way he talked, or the way he smirked, every brush of our fingers or the way our bodies touched or the way he kissed me.

My mind and soul seems to have been stuck in those moments where we shared the kiss, while my body continues to go through the motions of life. The only thing which was a source of satisfaction was that he was honest. He did not deceive me with false promises of hope, he was as true with what he can give as he was frank about what he desired.

After he had walked out that day I spent the whole night sitting on my sofa thinking about what had happened, trying to find that one string which had I pulled differently the result would have been in my favour but I guess I am a good lawyer only till the time I am looking into other people's matter. The only conclusion which I had been able to reach by the end of the night was that I was in love with Deven.

And every time I smiled about this fact it turned bittersweet when I realized that I will have to love him from afar.

I will not stop loving him...I can't. But I love myself too. And for that reason I need to leave but I can't, not before helping him out of the fast approaching problems. Heck! The reason he hired me was because Damian knight had successfully stolen his presentation and he had wanted me to find the moles in his company and help in his collaboration with BRICS. That day when I got trapped in the fire at that warehouse, the log which I had inspected there had made me smell foul play and I had assigned Mira to look into the workings of the company secretly. His presentation was stolen but there were no breaches of privacy or unauthorised access to be found when I looked into it. So this meant that someone had physically shared the presentation rather than electronically. I had investigated all the key heads and employees, checked their bank accounts yet I came across nothing. So this meant it had been done by someone who was good at camouflaging themselves. And then all those attempts at sabotaging the company's materials were too well planned to look accidental. Someone was trying to harm the reputation of the company and also its foundation. I even have a hunch that I did not accidentally get trapped in that fire at the warehouse because the routine which was usually followed was that all the places were thoroughly checked twice, the visitation passes were recounted before finally locking all the rooms after the end of the working day but on that day I got locked even before the work hours were over and the guy responsible for locking the doors was nowhere to be found.

I suspected that Damian knight was behind all this and he is. But I checked him and his company from top to bottom. He is under a lot of debt and most of these loans are from those sources that shall not be named and moreover his company is continuously losing deals to its competitors because of its less than satisfactory performance of its services. His personal properties are all under charge by the banks. In short he doesn't have enough money to fund such fatal schemes. And that only means one thing that someone more bigger and powerful is also involved.

That day when I was taking care of Deven at that inn and Mira had called me, she confirmed my doubts about Damian but, she was also not able to find any information about any other person who might be involved. I had thought that I would discuss about this with Deven but then the way he behaved made me want to tie him and personally gift him to that Damian and whosoever his partner was.


Knock. Knock...

"Come in." Adjusting my suit jacket I called out.

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