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Hey guys, I just wanted to thank you all for all the love and support which you have showered upon me .

I had always wanted to write some kind of book but I was hesitant about it too. Because writing a book is kind of a big task. To make it interesting enough that people are willing to read it or resonate with its characters is kind of difficult.  But I thought that there is no harm in giving it a shot and here we are today with 18 chapters already written and posted. I hope you guys continue to read my book and shower your affections and its characters.

When I was in class 9th I had written my first poem . Then I started writing short stories and since then my passion for writing has only increased.  So anyone out there who wants to wrote something then just start from today itself and I assure you , you will be amazed at yourself

Now as to why I have posted this note?

Well I wanted to share a good news a few days back this book was trending at #1 in intense with a lot many good ranks in other tags. So I just wanted to thank and congratulate you readers

THANKYOU ONCE AGAIN. Lots of love  ❤ . Bye

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