Where it all started

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Atlanta, Georgia circa early 2021

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Atlanta, Georgia
circa early 2021

Liv had walked in the Nightmare factory early that afternoon after making the 4 hour drive from Tuscaloosa after her morning classes ended to wait on her little sister who was on one of her last few days of training before she completed final training. Liv had finished her training a month prior but still came and helped out or did some extra training.

Though when there was g much for her to do she usually sat in a quiet corner of the room working on her college work seeing as she was enrolled in the University of Alabama, to get her buisness management degree just to have in case all else failed. She was in her sophomore year now so homework was starting to get a little harder.

Cody and Qt were quite impressed with the two sisters already having a cheerleading/gymnast background it made for easier training seeing they already knew how to high fly and move about the ring better than flat out newbies.

"Hey Liv great to see ya kid!" Cody had waved once he saw the shorter blonde enter the facility waving her over. He had been helping Qt train Hook as of late getting him ready to be a second generation wrestler.

Liv smiled walking over to the three in the ring in the middle of the room setting her backpack down as she jumped up on the apron leaning on the ropes with a smile. "What are yall learnin' today? Submissions?" she asked acknowledging the three her dimples peaking out in her cheek. Though the younger brunette boy simply blushed and ducked his head when the blonde spoke to him he didn't trust his voice not to crack or stutter infront of her.

"Yeah just a few to get him started trying to figure out what would be best for him" Qt nodded with a smile to the blonde seeing as hook wasn't going to answer her himself he had caught on early on that the boy might've had a crush on the bubbly blonde Hart sister and this just cemented that theory.

"Oh! You're sister isn't here she left a while ago with Lee." Qt had said when he realized why the girl was probably here. Liv nodded to the older man oblivious to the boy ignoring her before setting her eyes on Cody "Momma Brandi here or she at home?" She asked wanting to know, Brandi had become sort of a second mom to her. It wasn't that her and Julia's mom didn't care she just always paid more attention to Julia than her.

"Shes at home but you already know where the key is liv, you staying tonight? I figured you didn't wanna drive 4 hours back to your dorm or stay on Lee and Julia's couch." Cody replied answering the younger girls question, him and Brandi loved when she'd crash at their place it got them ready for when they had their own kids.

"Yeah I'll stay, what's for dinner? We cooking or just ordering somethin in?" Liv asked with a smile bouncing on the apron. She loved when she'd crash at the couples place they honestly made it feel like home. "Head to the house and ask the boss what she wants to do, then let me know if I need to pick something up on the way home or not" Cody replied chuckling at how excited the blonde was at the simplest of things.

"Bet, you guys have fun!" She smiled with a wave before jumping down off the apron slinging her backpack over her shoulder as she headed out giving the guys one last wave before she headed out of the building.

"Bet Brandi's gonna be excited she's been wondering when Livy would come stay again" Cody smiled turning towards hook and QT "right where were we? Submissions?"

The two sisters would be making their AEW Dynamite debut later that May so they were just grinding the last little bit of things out now. Cody had suggested the two be apart of "Varsity Blondes" with Brian Pillman Jr and Griff Garrison knowing the two had jock gimmicks the two female cheerleaders would fit right in with the group as wrestlers and valets.

Hook on the other hand was starting to realize this crush on the older blonde sister was not going away like he thought it was. Especially now that both sisters were actually going to debut in AEW they'd be sticking around for a while now. Granted when he first met the two he had no doubt that they wouldn't last more than a week but they quickly proved him wrong.

Now he just had to navigate this crush without his dad or Ricky/Brian finding out.

Easier said than done.

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