I hate Alabama: the fall

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Nashville, TennesseeOctober 2021

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Nashville, Tennessee
October 2021

Kris lifted Liv's onto her shoulders, throwing both of them backwards. She winced, still not quite used to being so aggressive in the ring. "Sorry Olive!" She told her, the crowd hearing her apologize to the poor blonde who just gave them a thumbs up.

Kris took two steps forward before grabbing Livs arm and yanking her up to her feet, quickly whipping her into the corner of the ring. She turned around to the crowd with their arms out and gave the fans a smile as Yuta and bestfriends cheered her on.

"You got this Kris! Kick her ass!" Trent shouted at the younger wrestler. And thankfully, they didn't mess with Julia or the other two in Liv's corner. The alien wrestler turned around to charge into the younger girl. Just as she was about to ram their shoulder into Liv's midsection, she moved.

Thankfully she halted to a stop before going into the ring post, shoulder first. She couldn't go through another injury so soon, it would majorly suck. As she turned around, Liv dropped-kicked her back into the corner. "Ouch," she groaned, looking up at the ceiling of the arena.

Liv quickly got up from dropkicking Kris and went to check on her after hearing her say ouch "I'm sorry did I kick you too hard??" She asked worried that she had hurt Kris. Though she made the mistake of looking into the crowd before she could help the older wrestler up, after feeling eyes staring a hole into her. She caught sight of someone she hoped she'd never have to see again, she faltered causing her to freeze up.

What was Dylan doing here? He never ever showed up to anything she did so why now? Why after everything she had been through and got over did he have to show back up was this the "special guest" Tony had been talking about that day? It couldn't be Dylan wasn't anything worth fussing over besides having rich parents.

She went to say something to Kris before she was pulled face first into the turnbuckle by the older wrestler sending her crumbling to the mat not expecting the move. She needed to get to the back, she needed this match to be over with soon because Dylan continuously looking at her was making her skin crawl and causing her to start to panic and if she didn't get out of there soon she'd have a full blown panic attack she hadn't had one since she left him 8 months prior.

Once Kris recovered from getting the wind knocked out of her, she stood up straighter, noticing Liv was frozen, staring into the crowd. Thinking fast, she leaned down and took the blonde's legs out from underneath herself.

When she hit the second turnbuckle and then the ground, Kris grabbed Liv by her blonde hair pulling her to her feet. She couldn't let the younger wrestler win, unfortunately, which is why she was suddenly forceful with her wrestling. She arm dragged her and luckily she landed in a kneeling position.

The alien femme slid behind Liv, putting her arm in choke hold, and wrapping their legs around her left arm and their right arm pulling back the older Hart sister's right arm. It was a new submission hold that Trent taught her. And it was so far, extremely effective in the ring. Liv being the third person she's tried it on.

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