No less than Rapist

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Aishwarya's POV 

Next two days passed in blink of eyes. I was sitting in our common room reading book. I felt hand on my shoulder and looked up, it was Sushanth. 

He gripped my shoulder 

I got up pushing away his hand

He tried to hug me

I slapped him hard and pushed him away

"How dare you Sushanth" I shouted

"You speak as if you it's new to you. I know everything about you" he said smiling evilly coming to me

"Stay away" I shouted 

"I thought you are a decent girl, didn't know you are characterless bitch. Already pregnant and going out with our HOD, Vikram, Mahesh... don't know how many people... do you even know the father of the baby?" He said 

I was shocked hearing him

"Why not me? Let's just enjoy" he said trying to kiss me

I kicked him below his belt and slapped him again 

"I don't care what you think of me. Even if what you think is true, it's my choice to be with whom I want to be. I'm warning you Sushanth, stay away from me otherwise you won't be able to face the consequences" I warned

"Imagine what happens if I tell everyone about your pregnancy" he said still in pain. I kicked him really hard. He deserves 

"I don't know how you graduated from medical school and got into PG. Do you really think I want to hide my pregnancy? Is it even Possible?" I said 

He looked at me in shock

"In few weeks my baby bump will be seen, everyone would know about my pregnancy. I didn't tell because I'm not close enough to share my personal details. After knowing your cheap character, I would never consider you as human" I said angrily

"Whatever Im you are characterless" he said 

"You are no less than a rapist Sushanth, trying to blackmail someone  to get into your bed. I would have told the truth if you asked nicely but you don't deserve. I hate to breathe the same air" I yelled

I opened the door and went to ward.

I tried so much to forget the incident but couldn't. I went to restroom and cried for what seemed forever.

Mahesh called, I didn't pick the call. He would have called me for lunch.

I messaged him 'I'm not feeling well, going home. Please inform the HOD'

'Take care, do you want me to take you home' he messaged

'No, I'm ok to go alone, see you tomorrow' I messaged 

I know I'm not in a condition to drive, hired cab and went home. All the drive I couldn't hold my tears thinking of Sushanth's words. Everyone would think of me characterless when they come to know about my pregnancy. 

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