More Guilty

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Vikram's POV

Aishu was sitting on dining table with two plates of pasta.

"I'm hungry, eat without talking" she said 

I nodded. I couldn't stop smiling thinking how lucky I'm . How can anyone love this much? She is angry with me but called me for dinner knowing I wouldn't have eaten.

I ate my dinner looking at her face cute face

"Why are you looking at me? " She asked

She asked me again when I didn't answer

"You asked me to eat without talking" I said

She rolled her eyes

"Eat food, not me" she said 

I don't want to get into argument with her so I concentrated on food though I don't want to take my eyes off her

Finished my food in silence 

She looked deep in thoughts

"Do you want to talk" I asked

"Thank you" she said looking at her plate

"You know you always surprise me... when I think you are angry with me, you say thank you.  I thought you would never talk to me after what happened today" I said

"I'm sorry,  I lashed on you. Rehaan called..." she said 

One hour back

Aishwarya's POV 

I was cursing myself, Vicky,  Nikki and God when Rehaan called me

"I'm sorry" I apologized 

"I thought so, you would be still thinking about it and torture Vikram. I'm sure both of you didn't have dinner" he said

He knows me too well

"Aishu, don't let unwanted people  ruin your happiness.i can't believe You are still thinking about what that dog told... grow up Aishu, you are married, going to be mother.  

You are still stuck there. What Vikram said is absolutely true, that's what I really feel, can't see you as life partner. I can't be any happier that Vikran is your husband. I liked him in our first meet, after today all my worries about you vanished. I know you would be as happy and comfortable in your new home as you were here.

Be happy Aishu, forget past.  In few months everyone would accept your marriage,  you wouldn't remember this period. 

Now go feed your baby and husband. Good night princess" he said


I feel more and more guilty about Rehaan and also i owe him for what he did. 

"I'm sleepy, we will talk tomorrow. I will try not to bring our past" she said leaving

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