Rest, Relaxation and Rockruff

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Ash sat in the small armchair in the hotel room, his eyes scanning over everyone in the room. Pikachu, Rockruff, and Snowy were simply running around and having fun. Torracat and Rowlet were laying on his bed, napping. Nebby happily following the trail of Star Candy that Lillie laid around the room, like a path. Lillie herself sat on her bed, laughing at Nebby's quick movements from one candy to the next. Meloetta sat on the desk, observing everything like Ash. Ash found his eyes constantly stopping to rest on Lillie.

Ever since last night, when Lillie had kissed him on the cheek not once, but twice, Ash had been unsure of what to make of it. He tried talking to Kukui about it, but Kukui had merely shook his head and chuckled to himself, before telling Ash that he had to find that out himself.

So he tried to.

He thought hard, and focused on the multiple situations he had experienced kissing before. He remembered seeing a picture of his parents kissing in his moms room, Gary had given him a very detailed description of kissing his girlfriend Macy, Brock's futile attempts at getting a kiss from an Officer Jenny or Nurse Joy he gets infatuated with, Bonnie's multiple attempts at getting Clemont to kiss some random girl, Serena kissed him at the airport, Kukui and Burnet's quick kisses in the morning, he had even seen a couple on the street kiss a few days ago.

And now, Lillie kissed him. Twice.

Ash thought harder. What do they all have in common? Most of them, except a few, were performed by couples. Couples loved each other. So if kissing was common in a relationship, then kissing must mean someone feels some sort of attraction to another, in hopes of starting a relationship with them, and in order to start a relationship with someone, you have to love each other. So by kissing someone, you basically tell them that you love them. But of course, kissing someone on the cheek could mean other things too, like an expression of gratitude, but Lillie didn't have anything to be grateful to him for, so does Lillie feel some sort of attraction to him?

Ash stopped. He was just confusing himself, but his curiosity wouldn't leave him alone. Maybe he could ask her if she wanted to hang out for a while? His Grand Trial isn't for another few days, and Ash never really got the chance to really explore Heahea City before. It's worth a shot.

"Hey Lillie." Ash said, catching Lillie's attention. Lillie looked at him inquisitively, and Ash took note of a slight blush dusting her cheeks. "Care to join me around the city? I never really got the chance to fully explore it yet."

Lillie's blush got a little more intense, but it was still very small. "S-Sure, Ash. I'd be happy to.

Ash felt heat rise in his own face. "Great! How do you wanna start?" Ash asked, looking at the clock on the wall. 11:48, almost time for lunch.

Lillie looked at the clock herself. "How about we find somewhere to have some lunch?"

"Works for me." Ash said, as he rounded up his Pokémon. Lillie picked Snowy up as well. "Where do you want to go?"

"I'm not sure, why don't we just walk around, and see what we have for options?" Lillie suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." Ash said, as he picked up the keycard to the room, and locked the door, as he and Lillie left.


Dawn sat in the lobby, reading a magazine. Olivia, the Island Kahuna was proudly displayed on the front cover, and Dawn was looking at a page displaying Kiawe's family farm. The farm was quite impressive, and a lady who Dawn could only assume was Kiawe's mother had a section talking about the farm's daily working schedule. She looked up from the magazine to see Ash and Lillie leaving the elevator, and walk towards the door. She decided to mess with them both.

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