Green Sun

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Ash and Lillie were on the ferry bound for Ula'Ula Island. After Ash and Dawn's sad, yet cheerful goodbyes, the entire gang was feeling quite somber, and tears were present as Ash and Lillie boarded their ferry to leave for Ula'Ula. Mallow had packed them at least 3 days worth of food for their travels, and Kukui finished setting Rotom up for video calls. Now that they were alone, it felt abnormally quiet.

"Goodness me!"

"What are those two doing?"

"This isn't a battleground! Right?"

Or, it was quiet. Lillie sighed as Ash eagerly began battling against a very pompous and rude man. Short, balding, and overly flaunting of his wealth, the man, named Don, had an expensive suit on, and two pretty ladies, one on each side. Neither of them seemed happy to be there, and even had cheered when Rowlet had landed a direct Razor Leaf against Krabby's face, the small crab fainted from the super effective move. Don had seethed in anger at his Pokémon's defeat, and Lillie silently scoffed at the mans short temper.

"Should've released you when I had the chance." Don muttered to the Pokéball, and the Pokéball violently shook, like Krabby was trying to escape from it. "No matter, you're far from my best." Don had tossed out a Beedrill next. Ash had switched Rowlet out for Rockruff.

The Beedrill was admittedly trained well, but Rockruff still prevailed in the end. Despite Beedrill's powerful Poison and Bug moves, Rockruff's resistance to them won out, and a well-placed Rock Throw had knocked Beedrill out of commission. Don only got angrier, and his last Pokémon, a Rhydon, had been out of it's element, on the open sea. Pikachu made quick work of it, to all the spectator's shock, except Lillie, who knew that Pikachu could mop the floor clean with Rhydon.

Unfortunately, the ferry was not made for battles in mind, especially if one of the battling Pokémon is a 265 lbs rhino. Rhydon was knocked back by Pikachu's Iron Tail, and put a big hole in the railing of the ship. Rhydon plunged into the ocean. Don had hastily ran to the edge to return Rhydon, and while he succeeded, he took a dip in the water himself. Ash had shouted something that made the crowd laugh, but Don was out of hearing range. Once he was pulled back up to the boat, he had confronted Ash.

"What did you say up there, brat?" Don had barked.

Ash quoted himself. "Full speed ahead." and with that, Ash had left Don to explode in anger, his shouting still audible from the other side of the boat, where Lillie leaned against the railing.

"You really got under his skin, huh?" Lillie asked sarcastically.

"No kidding." Ash said, sounding tired of Don's loud mouth. "He needs some anger management courses or something, I swear."

Lillie gave a dry, amused scoff as Don hastily stomped towards Ash, before a young boy with shaggy hair and glasses shoved him into a doorway, then closed the door. The boy then ran off, giving Ash and Lillie a thumbs-up as he passed them. Ash and Lillie stood in confusion for a second, before Ash chuckled.

"I like the way he thinks."


The ferry touched down on Ula'Ula Island, nearby Malie City, and Ash had plans to properly explore the island, since he wasn't able to on Akala, Ash found himself thirsting for adventure. Lillie, however, did not share his enthusiasm.

"Do we really have to go all the the way to Tapu Village? Ash, slow down, please!" Lillie asked, following Ash down Route 11. The Route was a thick jungle, and Lillie had trouble keeping up with Ash, who wasn't faltered by the terrain at all.

"Oh, sorry Lillie. And yeah, we do. Malie City can wait. The biggest part of travelling is, actually travelling, y'know?"

"Well, yeah... I guess so. We still get to camp, though. Right?"

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