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"You... you're not...Mohn?"


"He can't be! It's... not possible! He's out there somewhere! I need to find him!"

"Miss, wait! Ma'am, please reconsider!"


"Ash, you are getting a call." Rotom-Dex said, popping out from Ash's bag.

"Huh? By who?" Ash asked as he answered the call.


Gladion was not really wanting to be coming home today. If Mom needed him so badly, why would she make Hobbs call him? Why does he have to return to his childhood home, of all places? These questions continued to course throughout Gladion's mind as he opened the door to the mansion he once called home.

"Master Gladion!" Hobbes had pretty much ran to him, not even close to the formal man he usually is. As the elderly man rambled incoherently, Gladion pushed past him to look around the house. Papers were scattered across the living room table, a glass was broken on the floor, and Lusamine was nowhere to be found. "HOBBES!" Gladion yelled at the butler, stopping the elderly man's frantic rambling. "What happened? Where's Lusamine?"

Hobbes voice was shaking. "M-Miss Lusamine had snapped."

"What?" Gladion asked, a feeing of alarm grew in his stomach. He didn't always see eye to eye with his mother, but he still loved her, and wanted her to be safe.

"She's been like this for a while, now. She sits at the table, constantly mumbling to herself about... M-Master Mohn..."

"Oh sh- Hobbes." Gladion grabbed the man by the shoulders. "I need you to be completely honest with me. Where. Did. She. Go?"

"She called... the helicopter. She's going to Aether Paradise now! I-I-I-I didn't know who to call or what to do!"

"Damn it!" Gladion shouted, kicking the wall. He shoved his hands through his hair. "Damnit, damnit, damnit... Li... Lillie?"

"With Master Ash on Ula'Ula..."

"Call him. Get them here! I don't think I can trust anyone else." He said, pulling out his phone to call Selene. "Hey, Selene? Yeah... I might have to take a rain-check on that dinner date we had planned. I'll make it up to you...Thanks... love you too." He ended the call, and turned to the living room. He sighed, and began picking up the broken glass shards.


"WHAT HAPPENED!?" Lillie yelled in fear as she and Ash entered the mansion. "WHERES MOM!?"

"She's gone to Aether Paradise..." Gladion said. "Probably opening up Ultra Wormholes... if it gets too far, then Alola might get overrun."

"Overrun? By what? What are Ultra Wormholes? Wh-... What is happening?" Ash asked, completely lost.

Gladion sighed. "Guess Lillie hasn't let you in on everything." He sat down in a chair, and told Ash what all had happened.

"A long time ago, around when Lillie was born, our dad, Mohn, found a warp in space. Almost like a portal to another dimension. He dubbed it "Ultra Space", and the gateway he found was called an "Ultra Wormhole". He and Mom studied it for years with Wicke and Aether Paradise's head scientist, Faba. A few days after Lillie's 2nd birthday, Dad found another Ultra Wormhole, but something came out of it, and... got him. According to Mom, it looked like a white jellyfish, and it wrapped around Dad's head, and dragged him into the Wormhole. He's been missing since. Faba affectionately called it an "Ultra Beast". Since then, Mom has been obsessively studying Ultra Wormholes, sending me and other Aether workers all across Alola and other regions where she and Faba found traces of an Ultra Wormhole. Eventually, she and Faba figured out how to open one right at the Paradise. But a scientist got pulled inside from the vacuum, and Aether Paradise had to shut down the Ultra Wormhole because of safety infractions."

"So, is that why she's going to Aether Paradise? To open the Ultra Wormhole again?"

"I bet." Gladion said. "Guess losing Dad took more of a toll on her sanity then we thought. Hobbes said she just snapped, and then she was off. If another Ultra Beast comes out... or more... Alola will be taken over."

"So let's go stop her!" Ash said.

"We can't." Gladion said. "We don't have a way to get there."

"I might be able to work some magic..." Ash said. "Time to call in a favour. Rotom!" Rotom-Dex flew out of his bag. "Call Professor Oak please."


"Hello?" Oak asked, answering the phone.

"Professor? It's me, Ash."

"Ash! How's Alola?"

"Fine, but it might not be pretty soon. I need a favour..."

"Whatever you need, my boy."


"Well?" Ash asked, proudly showing off his Pokémon buddies. Charizard, Staraptor, and Noivern raised and flapped their wings.

"Yeah... that will work." Gladion muttered.

Ash hopped on to Charizard's back. "Hop on one of them. We'll be at Aether Paradise in no time." Gladion awkwardly got on Staraptor, before getting into a more comfortable position. Lillie wrapped her arms around Noivern. "Ready!"

The three Pokémon took to the sky, racing towards Aether Paradise.

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