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Dawn sat quietly on a bench in Hau'oli City, grabbing supplies before heading to Ula'ula Island. She called Brock to check on him, and may or may not have, called him right in the middle of a date with Mallow. She couldn't wait to tell Ash how the hopelessly romantic Brock got a date, before realizing that Lillie was with him. Alone.

Dawn mischievously chuckled to herself. Maybe she'll catch them on a date too.

Ash had prayed to Arceus he wouldn't ever have to deal with Team Skull while he was here. Yeah, they weren't always on the best terms, but Arceus hasn't smite him yet, so they must be okay. Right?
Ash sighed. Guess they weren't, because Team Skull stood right in front of him.

The last he saw of Team Skull was back when He was searching for Rowlet with Dawn and Brock. And to Ash poor fortune, they were a much bigger organization then he would have liked. A group of about 4 stood at the entrance to Tapu Village, and had denied everyone access to the Village. Ash and Lillie remained hidden in some nearby foliage, assessing the situation. Ash recognized some of them, the ones who had jumped him, Dawn, and Brock back on Melemele. They would absolutely recognize him, too. "What are they here for?" Ash asked himself.

"What ever it is, it won't be good." Lillie said, a worried look on her face told Ash that she was extremely nervous. Not that he could blame her. It was her first time encountering an evil organization, but for Ash, it just felt like another Tuesday.

"Rotom, what would Team Skull want with Tapu Village?" Ash asked the dex, and got a confused shrug in return. "Are they after Tapu Bulu?"

"Maybe." Lillie said. "If they did get there hands on an Island Guardian, there wouldn't be much to stop them, and Tapu Bulu was regularly sighted above the village... Ash?"

Lillie frantically looked around, and saw Ash causally strolling to the entrance of the town, Pikachu in his usual position on Ash's shoulder.

"Ash, no!" Lillie was about to run after him, but stopped when she saw Ash get stopped by two grunts guarding the entrance, both were from the trio that jumped him before.

"Well, look what we got here." The blue haired one said, stopping Ash from entering with his hand.

"There a problem, fella?" Ash asked, hiding his annoyance. His hands firmly grasped Greninja's shrunk Pokéball.

"Don't play dumb with me. I remember you. The punk who stopped us back in Melemele Island." Ash tensed up slightly. "Where's your little friends? Did they abandon you? Did you leave them?" The goon failed to notice Ash's breathing picking up its pace.
"Maybe they... lost their faith in you? Saw you as the failure you are?" The grunt held a smug grin on his face, lowering his bandanna to give Ash a shark-like smile. "Guess I couldn't blame the-!?"
The grunt was abruptly punched in the cheek.

"You really need to learn when to shut up." Ash said, as he grew Greninja's Pokéball. The goon recovered, and grew his own.

"You'll pay for that, you son of a-"

"Shut up, and let's do this already." Ash said.

"Fine... Salazzle." The black lizard hissed loudly at Ash. "We'll cut a deal, how 'bout it?"

"What's your offer?" Ash asked.

"I win, you give me your Pokémon. Every single one of 'em." The grunt smugly wagered, his shark-like smile returned to his face.

Lillie prayed Ash wouldn't take it. She prayed to Arceus that Ash would turn it down and win the battle.

"Fine, you're on."

Lillie almost stomped out of the bush and slapped him. What was he thinking?

"But if I win, then you and the rest of your edgy brethren beat it, and you tell me why you were here."

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