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Ash ran over his plan as he sat on the bus travelling to Hokulani Observatory. Sophocles was in favour of Electric-Types, so the Trial will be heavily Electric based. Pikachu and Lycanroc will go first. Torracat and Rowlet would follow, and Greninja will be saved for last. The Totem should hopefully be manageable. Considering how powerful the Totems before it was, Ash didn't want to take chances. The bus stopped, and Ash stepped off, thanking the driver.

He entered the observatory to see Sophocles waiting for him. "Hey Ash! Been a while!" Sophocles greeted. "Ready for the Trial?"

"Always! Whatcha need me to do?" Ash answered.

"Well, a couple Charjabug got loose, and I gotta round them back up. Once you gather them up for me, the Totem is all yours."

"Gotcha. Where about should I look?"

Sophocles waved his arm around a wide arc. "Anywhere! The got loose on me, Ash!"

"Right... sorry."


"Got the last one right here." Ash said, and Torracat dropped the Charjabug from his jaw.

"Is he okay?" Sophocles asked, nudging the unconscious bug.

"Yeah, he's just sleeping. Torracat tired him out."

"Okay... well, as promised, the Totem is inside waiting." Sophocles said, tending to the beetle.

"Thanks Sophocles." Ash said, tossing a Potion to his friend.

"No, thank you, Ash. These guys really don't listen to me at all."

Ash chuckled, then turned and walked inside. The observatory was spacious, and a double door nearby had the words "TOTEM" engraved on the sign above it.

Ash walked inside to find a large Togedemaru napping nearby. Unsure of what to do, Ash tapped the Totem on the head a couple times, slowly waking it up.

"Hey, you're the Totem, right?" Ash asked. The Togedemaru nodded in response. "My names Ash. I'm here for the Island Trial. Would you mind battling me?"

The Totem excitedly got up and prepared for battle. "Alright!" Ash pumped his fist. "Let's do this!" He tossed a Pokéball, and Lycanroc hit the field, ready to rumble.

Over an intercom, Sophocles voice boomed "Battle Begin!"

"Accelerock!" Ash yelled. Lycanroc charged and rammed the Totem with the fringe on his head at high speeds. The Totem hit Lycanroc with a Thunderbolt that hardly did anything to the Rcok-Type wolf.

"Rock Throw!" Lycanroc hurled a sizeable boulder at the Totem, knocking the hamster off his feet. Togedemaru used Electric Terrain to power-up his otherwise ineffective moves.

"Wait for it..." Ash muttered. Lycanroc sat in waiting for the Totem's next move. A much more powerful Thunderbolt hammered the wolf, and had actually done some damage.

"Accelerock! Try and knock him over!" Lycanroc charged again, but instead of simply ramming the Totem, Lycanroc used his fringe and the force of his impact to flip the round Totem over. 

"Now while he's down, Stone Edge!" Lycanroc roared as large, sharp boulders burst up from the ground. They burst up from right under the Totem, launching it into the air.

"Now finish it with Bite!" Lycanroc leapt at the rising Totem. He clamped his jaws down on the hamster, and threw the Totem down to the ground.


Sophocle's Togedemaru was shaking on his shoulder as they watched Ash and Lycanroc toss the Totem around with nearly no problems at all.

"Yeah, he's making short work of your hero, huh?" Sophocles asked his partner. Togedemaru continued to quiver on his Trainers shoulder. "Yeah, Ash really knows his way around Electric-Types. I wonder if it's because he's worked with Pikachu for so long."


The Totem laid fainted on the floor, unable to tank Lycanroc's vicious assault.

"Nice work, bud! You're really strong, you know that?" Ash praised his partner, who happily wagged his tail at the affection. "Have a nice rest, okay? You've more then earned one." He returned Lycanroc to his Pokéball, and reattached it to his belt. Sophocles entered the room.

"Wow... you made short work of him." Sophocles observed. "I'm gonna run some diagnostics on this, but here's your Z-Cryst- Oh yeah!" Sophocles ran out of the room for a moment. He returned with a different Z-Crystal. "I forgot that you already have the Electrium-Z from Hala, so here's the Z-Crystal you should've gotten. The Fightium-Z."

"Thanks Sophocles!" Ash accepted the crystal. "So... what does this one do?"

Sophocles rubbed the back of his head. "Well, since I don't usually hand out the Fightium-Z, I'm actually not sure either. You'll be able to find it out easily enough, I'm sure." Sophocles said.

"If you say so. You want me to?" Ash pointed at the unconscious Totem.

"Hmm? Oh, nah. I want to run some tests first. I have a berry on me, you can go if you want."

"You sure?" Ash asked.

"Positive. Your next Trial is centred around Ghost-Types, so be wary of that. Other then that, I don't have anything else I need. Thanks for coming, Ash!"

"Well, alright. Thanks Sophocles!" Ash left the observatory. Sophocles' phone began to ring.

"Hello? Hey mom! Yeah, I just finished with Ash a moment ago. I'll be home after I clean up here. Love you too." Sophocles hung up his phone. "Man, I'm gonna be here for a while..." He muttered as he looked around the ransacked room for the Totem.


Ash walked up to Tapu Town, greeting a few of the locals. After Team Skull left, the village quickly got back on its feet. They even got a small group of the villagers to act as guards for the town, in case something like that were to ever happen again.

Ash entered the Pokémon Center, and handed Lycanroc over to Nurse Joy to be checked on. While he waited, Ash went to the room he and Lillie got while they were in Tapu Town for the time. Lillie sat on one of the 2 beds in the room, fiddling with something in her hands.

"Hey, Lillie!" Ash said, startling Lillie, who tucked whatever she was holding into her bag.

"H-hey, Ash. You scared me..." Lillie stammered.

Ash chuckled. "Sorry. But hey! Check out what I got." Ash flashed his new Z-Crystal at his friend.

"You went to your Trial?" Lillie asked.

"Yeah. You... you didn't know?"

"No! I thought you were out training! I can't believe you didn't tell me at all! I would've come." Lillie pouted.

Ash sat down beside her. "I'm sorry. I thought you knew. Next time, you're free to come along, alright?"

"Promise?" Lillie held out her pinkie finger.

Rolling his eyes, Ash wrapped his own pinkie around hers. "Promise."

"Who's next, anyways?" Lillie asked.

"Ghost-Types." Ash said. Lillie paused.

"Ahaha... yeah... on second thought, you can go to that one without me."

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