Chapter 15

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"Ok!.Like seriously..Tomorrow is my birthday!Wouldn't you guys come of these suprise thing?"Hayden glanced at his scattered group of friends in his room

"Guys, should we tell him?"Caleb turned to his friends as he asked the rest in the room

Hayden nodded eagerly"Of course,you should!! I want to know.Besides I haven't prepare my clothings"he tried to convince

Mia eyed him up and down then snorted"Forget it, I have already done that!!"she turned to the other guys in the room and said seriously"We aren't telling him anything.Zip"she ordered and made a motion of zipping her lips

The other 6 guys did the same thing after yelling zip

" guys are no fun!!"Hayden yelled and crossed his arms in obvious displeasure

"Whatever!!"Mia rolled her eyes at him


"Waoh.. Grail's air is cool not stuffy and the populace..."Sean breathe in and out to demonstrate his breathing exercises

"Wait,until it's evening!"Jude cut in and snorted

"Hm?Wait..What do you mean?"David butt in with a confused expression

"Mr James should have arrive now?"Zenos interrupted in their conversation

"Yeah..I think his hotel is opposite ours!" Jude replied back with a nod

"Okay.. let's go!!"And they all make thier way into the white Lamborghini

"Seriously,why does this man wants to go to the club?"Jude pouted after he checked the notification that entered his phone

"Maybe he want to get a taste of our women?hahaha"David laughed

"It's not funny!"Jude said seriously

"Your expression is..dude!"Sean laughed


The noise began too much for Hayden to handle that he has to cover his head with his pillow..Ring, Ring:his phone continues to blow up..He succumbed and picked up his phone..He checked his phone and discovered that it was 11:59pm,which made him swore in anger!"who the hell is calling and texting me in the middle of the night?"he thought

His phone began to ring again and he picked it up angrily without checking who's calling"Hello!!"

"Are you sulking??"His mom cheerful voice drifted to his ear

"Mom!"he checked the phone screen and suddenly smiled brightly"why are you calling me in the middle of the night?Is something wrong?"he asked

"Hm..Actually..!"His dad checked his wristwatch and signalled to his mom..It's 12:00am"Happy birthday to you.. Happy birthday to you.. Happy birthday to you,Hayden.. Happy birthday to you.. Happy 18th birthday!!"His Dad and Mom sang at the other end of the phone

Hayden's heart swell up in pride and happiness..He swears that he has already forgotten about his birthday but that's what makes it feels so beautiful and his parent calls too.Though they always call him but this feels different because they woke him up in the middle of the night unlike before where they always make sure it is morning so as not to disturb his rest

"Thank you mom and dad!"he silently wipe the tears threatening to fall..What if he didn't mess with Zenos..Will Zenos be there with him today?

"Baby.. You're finally an adult"Hanna silently wipe the tears falling down her cheeks while her husband tried his best to cheer her up

Hayden laughed"mom,you said am an adult but you're calling me a baby!"

"You'll always be our baby!"His Dad said.. He suddenly sighed then paused for a while before continuing"I know we have been a bad parent"

"Dad..Mom.. You're not!"Hayden shook his head and argued back

His father smiled"iy know what I'm saying..We haven't been there in your everyday life and we are sorry for it.We.."

"Dad, remember I choose the option.. I wanted to stay hidden..Please don't say sad words on my birthday"he pleaded

"Ok..Fine"his father replied"send us list of whatever you want and we'll fufill it.."

Hayden replied with yes and they chatted for a while and then they say goodbye after advising Hayden to take enough rest and eat healthy foods

He sighed and eyed the 999+ messages even his phone still keeps on blowing up.. How the hell is he supposed to deal with this??he thought"I'll deal with the messages tomorrow morning!"he said lazily while preparing to take another sleeping tablets to aid him in sleeping

He was about to place his phone in 'Do not disturb mode' when Caleb video-called him.."hey dude.."Hayden said with a smile!

"Happy birthday to you.. Happy birthday to you.. Happy birthday to you, Hayden.. Happy birthday to you!"His six friend including Mia sang

"Happy birthday, Hayden!"Mia smiled

"Waoh..You guys"he smiled with happiness"You're the best friends a guy can ever have.. Thank you"

"Hey.kiddo you've finally joined the team of the adults!"Caleb teased lightly

"Caleb.."Mia pouted and stomped her foot"stop teasing is his birthday"she said like a typical girlfriend

"Okay.. beautiful Mia...Hayden,we wouldn't disturb your beautiful sleep..Have a beautiful sleep.. Goodnight"Caleb said and the others wished him well before cutting the line

Hayden was about to sleep when Andy's phone number flashes on his phone

"Andy!!"he picked up cheerfully

"Seriously..Who are the one calling you since 11:57pm?They didn't fufill my wish of being the first one to call you!"he complained

Hayden imagined Andy pouty face and smiled"At least you called.You were the third on the list!"

"Oh..oh..3rd.when all I wanted is to be the first!"he complained childishly"Happy birthday,man"

"Thank you!"

"I wish you were still here.We would have celebrated the best birthday!"Andy said

"Of course.I know and I missed you guys so much"Hayden replied with honesty as he really miss his previous school

"Yeah.we missed you..The football team.the basketball..."Andy suddenly stops and made an excited noise"yeah.. I bet your boyfriend did know? I saw his car around our schoolweeks ago.. Especially after the week you left,his car appeared almost every morning.Oh,you're too cruel,dude!"

"When you mean my boyfriend..Do you mean that guy in the club?"He subconsciously hold his breath as he tried to calm his trembling body

"Of course,you little brat!Did you forget him already?"Andy yelled at him playfully

Hayden's heart skip a beat..He unconsciously smiled,Zenos still loves him.. Zenos still loves him!! He promised himself to win that lovely man back..Just wait!!

" lil are staying silent now!!do you just know you made a mistake..let me tell you,that guy has already won himself lot of crushes and I can see that some boys and girls are planning to hit on him next time he appear.."

Mine..Mine..A voice rang in his head.No one can have Zenos except from him"Andy..Thank you.. I know what to do!"

"You better or else I will be the one to help any boys or girls that's trying to date.."

"You dare!"Hayden threatened with a scowl on his face

"Cool down man"Andy cheerful voice float to Hayden's ear"And happy birthday.. I will talk to you tomorrow! Alright?"Andy cut off the phone

Hayden slumped on the bed and spread himself wide into the shape of a star.. Something stirred in his heart,he felt that thing which is called "Love" and his heart begans to beat faster..Zenos still likes him!!..He smiled and thought that was the best birthday words he ever listened to.. Slowly he began to feel sleepy ...With wide smile on his face he began to wonder if Zenos is his medicine because he didn't take overdose sleeping medicine before he fell asleep

Lest I forget..Thank you guys for 108 reads

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