Chapter 24

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"I've always been an overthinker"Hayden suddenly begans to explain..He and Zenos were lying on the bed after they've eating thier meal

"Hm?"Zenos turned to look at Hayden who had a serious expression

"I've mostly wondered if I only chooses the bitter options.. you know,there was a time when my father's business enemies tried to take my life repeatedly"he clenched his fist but still smile"I really hated the business world with passion when I was young!!"

 Zenos rubbed his shoulder and back soothingly

"I've promised myself inwardly not to enter the dangerous business world.. I was really too childish then!"he chuckled"So,one day after an almost death attempt,my parents asked me if I'll like to be in front of the media or will stay hidden.. I really hated the media with passion back then so without hesitation I chooses to be hidden"he smiled

 Zenos patiently wait for his boyfriend explanation

"My parents were really sad with the choice I took but I really didn't care then..I'm so heartless!!"he said bitterly

"No, you're not"Zenos convinced

"My parents always blamed themselves for the kind of life I live but they didn't know it was almost the best for me..They regrets bringing me into the business world since I was a kid though they tried to hide it"

"Is that the reason why you keep moving?"

"Yes, I moved whenever the enemies are trying to find my father's weakness which is me!Or whenever someone is about to know my identity"

"Did someone tried to take your life lately then??"Zenos asked curiously

"Hm?"Hayden tilted his head

"Why did you leave??"

"Ah..that..My father's company suddenly went into some problems that week and my father was afraid that I would meet danger if I should keep staying there since I'm not ready to come out"

 Zenos stayed calm but he has almost cursed all his friends..You see,those idiots are the one who tried to console him but are the one who send his lover away

Hayden who saw Zenos expression thought he didn't believe him, so he pulled Zenos by the sleeves"Zenos, I really didn't ran away from you..I texted your number and called but it wasn't going!!"

 Damnit Jude! Another offence!!! Zenos thought angrily..It took all his whole patience to pacify his anger..He will surely find way to revenge, Zenos smiled evilly

"See, I can show you the proof if you don't believe me..The phone is home!!"Hayden who still thought Zenos didn't believed him begans to panicked..Ah..What can he do??

"Baby,stay calm!"Zenos said gently


"I believe you!"Zenos said with a smile

"Really?"Zenos nodded as reply and Hayden hugged him in joy

"Why did you fall into an almost depression.state??"

"Who ask you to fall into my life and suddenly disappear?"Hayden crossed his arms and pouted in fake anger

 Zenos knocked Hayden on the forehead playfully"you rascal, aren't you the same thing?"

"Nah,you already know everything about me but I don't know anything about you except from your name Zenos and your phone number..I asked a hacker to tracked your number but it says that the security can't be breached..Now,tell me who are y.."

 A ringtone suddenly sounded and Hayden quickly picked up the phone..His expression turned grim at the end of the call

"What is it??"

He scowled in anger"My father said he has already found the person who caused the last scandal for his company..he says it's traces down to the so-called mighty company..Who knew that company is shameless?Ever since that ze boy..wait..what did Dad call him again?"he tilted his head"yeah..Zenos..wait he's sharing the same name with you??"

Zenos scratched his head in embarrassment"I dunno.. I think they are too anonymous,don't you think?"

"Are you sure it's not you?"Hayden smirked evilly.. Zenos quickly stayed calm and quirked an eyebrow at Hayden's word

 Hayden quickly pouted"Just kidding..i know it's not you, you're not evil like that guy"he then scowled"Yeah but once I took over my dad's company..I'll show that guy hell..we are now the worst enemy ever"he unscrewed a bottle water and gulped it down till the end.."he should never let me catch him one day or else I'll"he squeezed the bottle water and smiled evilly..That stupid guy that caused he and Zenos parting, he'll make sure to kick his ass

 Crazy shit!!Jude is in trouble.. Damn,how will he tell Hayden that he's the Zenos he's talking about and he didn't know about the scandal until the week after?No he didn't even know about the scandal..Who know if he'll really squeeze him like he did to the bottle!He gulped down..His baby is really dangerous!!!!


The next morning :

"Are you sure you can walk?"Zenos asked Hayden

"I'm not a girl so why would you be pampering me everytime?"he said with a frown

"Okay..I'll go and prepare the bath then.. Would you like me to bathe you?"

"Are you sure your hands won't play with my body?"Hayden stared at him bewaringly 

"I'm not mischievous like you.."he glared at Hayden"you're the one that initiate every sex we have

Hayden scowled and muttered"as if you're not the one to take control eventually!"He suddenly fell into deep thoughts "Eh.. Okay,let's take a bath together!!"Hayden smiled evilly'I want to see how much your patience last'he thought inwardly

 Zenos didn't know the trouble he got in until when they both enter the bathroom

"Won't you strip too?"Hayden glared at him

"I told you I've taken my bath already!"Zenos argued back

"But it doesn't matter.. You'll get your clothes wet while bathing me!"he said convincingly

"I'll be careful!"Zenos said seriously

"Then you can just go!"Hayden said angrily"I know you're just pretending to care for me"he looked on nonchalantly"I'll just take my bath like I always did except that I'll be in pain a little but i would manage.. Now go out"he said and tried to push Zenos out

"Hayden you know I cared for you!!"Zenos tried to convince not knowing it was all the mischievous bastard plot

 Hayden shrugged off nonchalantly and said seriously"Just go now.. I want to take off my clothes!!"

"I'll help you take it off!"Zenos said awkwardly

"No.. just go"he waved Zenos away as if he's an eyesore while muttering in a low voice" back hurts but what to do I don't have anyone!"

Zenos suddenly spoke up due to not being able to watch Hayden bear the pain alone since he caused it"I'll help you!!"

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