Chapter 34

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Zenos pushed him into the car gently and kissed him fiercely

"What the fuck are you jealous about again?"Hayden panted,his chest rising up and down as he glared at Zenos

"Can't you see that, that doctor is flirting with you?Why did you smile at hi.."

"Shut up!"he scolded and kissed him"I'm yours only.Why are you still feeling insecure about that little smile?Besides,Scott doesn't mean it that way, that's just how he normally does everytime"Hayden explained with a nonchalant expression on his face

"What?"Zenos looked horrified.. Ignorance is really a blessing.. A blatant flirting and the idiot so-called doctor is even challenging him to his face but to Hayden that's just a normal thing!!..He has to do something"I want you to change doctor!"Zenos ordered sternly

"No!!"Hayden replied straightforwardly"I'm changing no doctor!"He said stubbornly

"Okay!"Zenos replied with a smirk and decided to do it in his own way..That guy is just going to get and take it in the hard way!he laughed evilly inwardly

 Hayden eyed him strangely.. Zenos didn't try to convince him?That dude is one hell of a jealous man.!!. Surprisingly he kept his calm.Hayden turned to him and asked him"Are you okay?"

"Hm,I guess."He said with an inward smirk and played with Hayden's fingers silently"So..Where should we go?"

"I'm hungry"he pouted and pat his toned six abs tummy

 Zenos rubbed Hayden's stomach and playfully says to him"Hmm..Maybe someday my baby will be carried by these little tumm..."

 Hayden angrily hit the drug packet on his hand on Zenos head"What nonsense are you saying? If you need a baby,then go lay with a lady..What the fuck are you saying my perfect six abs stomach will do?"

"You don't want to carry my baby?"he teased while poking Hayden's waist

"You bastard..hands off my waist and lemme tell you,my tummy can and will never be used to carry a baby.."He huffed out in anger

"I can ask the doctor to work it out if you are just being shy!"he winked at him

"You shut up..I dunno why the hell you're talking about baby but I'm letting you know now that I'm not interested in carrying any baby..if you want a baby then go carry it yourself"he said sternly and crossed his arms then turned towards the other side

 He pulled Hayden to his chest and rubbed his back"Just kidding.. Okay??"he says at the cute cat glaring at him


"I'll be going now!"Zenos says after he dropped Hayden at his house after thier meal

 Hayden pouted and pulled Zenos cufflink childishly"Don't go!"

 He hugged him and caressed his back..He says seriously"I don't want to go..but I have serious work to do today and tomorrow so I wouldn't be accompanying you tomorrow"

His face fell and he separated from Zenos"okay!"

"I'll pick you up tomorrow evening!Okay?"he said

"Yeah!"he replied and hugged him tighter then waved as Zenos get into the car


"'ve got a call?"David says to Sean and was about to check the caller ID"who's calling you?

"Nobody!"Sean replied and quickly picked up the phone before David could see who's calling"I'll be back!"With that he left

"When the hell did he starts to avoid picking up calls at our presence?"David asked in bewilderment

"Everyone has a secret!"Jude shrugged but a confused expression made way into his own face too

"CEO!"David and Jude stood up to greet Zenos

"Where's Sean??"Zenos asked curiously

"He went out to pick a call!"

"When the hell did he start to pick call behind our back?"he questioned

"Maybe he got himself a girlfriend?"Jude shrugged nonchalantly

"That's no reason to hide!"he replied and walked out of the room.."How's your call??"Zenos gazed at him coldly

 Sean was startled but was quickly able to regain his cool.. He quickly checked Zenos face to know if he heard the content of his call but seeing as Zenos expression looked normal he sighed inwardly but though he tried to hide it Zenos still noticed something is wrong but wasn't able to put a finger on it

"Fine!"Sean says awkwardly"I'm going in!"he said and quickly entered the room

 Zenos gazed at him with an unknown gaze as he walked away but he soon followed

I turned gay after a drunken night(BL)Where stories live. Discover now