Chapter 30

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Hayden cuts in and says to Zenos tauntingly "You're not my parents so, who are you to make a rule for me to follow?"he then raised his chin provocatively

  Zenos smiled at Hayden.. Honestly,he's tired of the never-ending arguments..A glint flashed through his eyes but it quickly returned as if it never appeared..He only hoped that Hayden would take the bait

 Once Hayden see's that Zenos had let down his guard,he immediately cheered inwardly.That's his plan all along, Hayden knew Zenos hate arguments, so he purposely provoked Zenos till he's(Z) tired and patiently waited so that he'll be able get down but he(HD) wants to get down but not to fall into Zenos hand but to escape... He(HD) should be able to pass through the door before Zenos could catch him.. Once he's outside of the door..He's free!!He cheered happily! Happy independence to him!!!

 With his calculation..Hayden was sure he could escape Zenos grasped and with that he quickly jumped down from the bed and hurried to the door but surprisingly Zenos didn't ran after him.. Shocking!!

 He made a happy squeal as his hand reached the door knob..Alas, the door was locked!!All the happiness he felt that moment quickly turned to uneasiness...When the heck did Zenos locked the door without him knowing?

 Subconsciously,that made him remember the first morning with Zenos that he tried to run away..He gulped down the saliva forming in his mouth..Why the hell did he think Zenos wouldn't lay a trap for him..?

 The sudden sound of keys clinking with each other break Hayden from his thought..He turned back and smiled at Zenos albeit worriedly

 Zenos beamed at him..Glad, that Hayden took the bait..He knew Hayden would ran to the door and that's the easiest way to catch him..He smirked at Hayden"Do you remember what I told you, last time you tried to escape?"

 Hayden's ears turned red as a foreboding warning rang through his every cell...He clearly remembered but he didn't say anything and instead looked down to his feet!!

 Zenos moved closer and stroked Hayden's waist..It gave Hayden a sense of deja vu as the word fell from Zenos mouth one by one, coupled with the stroking of his waist"Don't try to run or else once I find you, you are never getting away again"He whispered then smiled at Hayden"Babe,do you remember?"his hand begin to travel around Hayden's body

 Hayden subconsciously gulped and nodded his head and before he knew it he was already carried by Zenos

"Since you know let's.."Zenos smiled

"What if I dunno?"Hayden cuts in as the chill begins to spread throughout his body

"Don't worry..I'll teach you!"With that he begin to strip Hayden


 Mia paced up and down in the hallway worriedly..The fear of Hayden leaving her is beginning to sprout in her heart..She only planned the hug scene to tempt Zenos but was shocked too when her lips met Hayden

She glanced at Hayden's door's been 40 mins but Hayden and that fag guy hasn't come down..She's beginning to go impatient..She suddenly decided to go take a look by herself

 When she reached Hayden's room door she knocked it carefully"Hayden!"

"She is here!"Zenos said angrily

 Hayden quickly thanked Mia in his head..Thanks to her,he's about to be set free from Zenos...Damn,he never liked her as much as he did this minute..A happy expression flickered in his eyes but quickly left as if they never appeared

 Zenos who saw the twinkle and happy expression on Hayden's face thought he was happy to leave him so as to meet the girl..A flash of jealousy burst in his eyes and without warning he thrusted into Hayden's ass.

"Agh~!"Hayden screamed in shock and pleasure feeling the fullness of Zenos in his body

"Hayden,are you okay?"Mia hits the door worriedly..Her white face paled as her brain begins to conjects whatever rubbish it could as to be reason Hayden screamed..She heard that gay partners are always possesive of each other, what if Zenos hurts Hayden because of the kiss.. Her face paled more and more and she continues to bang the door and tried to open the locked door but to no avail

 Hayden almost cursed Zenos in his heart..His room was soundproof but with the way he screamed, there's no way Mia won't hear him..He points at Zenos angrily"You..Ahhhhh"he shouted in pleasure as Zenos thrusted into him and bit his nipples

"Hay.. Hay !"she hit the door impatiently

 But the name of 'Hayden' Mia was calling became the fuel that pumped Zenos anger and with that he thrusted into Hayden without stopping

"Ah..Ah.. Zenos..Stop it!!"Hayden yelled out in pleasure

 After a few minutes,Mia realized that the cry was different from what she had imagined and she blushed while walking away.. But she still managed to curse Zenos in her heart but to no avail.

"Hey!"Jade eyed Mia suspiciously but still waved

"What are you doing here?"Mia glared at Jade.. Obviously still annoyed at her

 I remembered the first time I had the inspiration of this novel, I debated on writing it for a long time but never did.. I never knew it will reach chapter 30, I honestly thought it is a book that'll end up at chapter 15 or something . I never expected it to be this long but I'm loving it the more I'm writing it daily.. thanks to all the active readers..i love you all

 I love all your suggestion and comments too!!! Thanks

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