Chapter 31

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"Hey!"Jade eyed Mia but still waved

"What are you doing here?"Mia glared at her

"I'm on my way to Hayden's..."

"That's not a place meant for someone like you so get back!!!"she said authoratively..Her aura shocking Jade who immediately took a step back in shock but quickly scoffed when she regained her calm then turned back and walk away

"That bitch!!"Jade clenched her fist angrily


"What did I say to you about Mia?"Zenos whispered huskily as he thrust into Hayden

"To make sure there's 3 meters between me and Mia!"he pants in between words but still replied hoarsely and tiredly..His eyes are already redden due to tears and his voice hoarse due to noise he was making earlier..Red kiss marks layed on his collarbone,neck,etc..sweat trickled down his face.. He glared at Zenos fiercely but his swollen red lips and reddened wide eyes made it come out as a seductive expression

"Good boy.. I'll spare you this time, remember no sparing next time!!"Zenos pecked Hayden's lips and with a last thrust he released inside Hayden.

 Hayden scoffed at Zenos shamelessness..What stupid sparing,when Zenos has rode him till almost all the bone in his body has broken..He made sure to do it anywhere possible..On the bed,on the chair,on the floor etc

"Your room has traces of me!!"Zenos smiled proudly as he carries Hayden to the bathroom then washed himself and Hayden up despite several protests from Hayden

"I can walk!"Hayden sulked after Zenos has forcefully bathe him

"I'll carry you.."

"No need..I don't need your help!"he said as he tries to stand up from the bath tub.He immediately slip as his leg gave way

"Careful!"Zenos smiled and catches Hayden by the waist

 "And you're telling me you're still holding yourself back.. You beast,how the hell is your stamina.."Hayden's face turned into grievances as he remembered how Zenos ride him..On the bed..On the chair, anywhere matter how much he begged for help, that horny beast didn't let him go

"Uh uh, beast!!"Zenos smirked and stroked Hayden by the waist

"I'm telling you that I'll never allow you to touch me again!You bastard!!"he says angrily and glared at Zenos

"Are you sure?Can you bear to torture your boyfriend?"he says huskily and licked Hayden's sensitive area making Hayden release a sweet moan"ah..ah..Can you see, you still want me?"Zenos said mischievously

 Hayden's ear flushed and he turned to the other side"let me go!"he said hoarsely with an embarrassed tone

"Okay I'll, baby!"he replied but still carry Hayden to the bed himself

"You bastard, didn't you say we'll go to the hospital today?"he glared at Zenos accusingly

"Oh.You should have reminded me earlier but I know you want me like I want y.."

"So if I did remind you,we would have gone immediately?"

"Of course!"

"Fuck!"Hayden cursed angrily..So there is an already made escape route..How the hell did he forget? Maybe he really does want Zenos as can he let Zenos deceive him??..Hmph!!that horny bastard!!

 Zenos bend and pat Hayden's head"Are you angry that we didn't go today..If you still want to go we can go now!"

"No need!"

"Okay..We will go tomorrow,then!"he replied calmly"What do you want to eat?"

"Whatever the chef prepares!!!"he replied in grievances

"Should I bring it to you upstairs or...."

"Or you want my friend to see all the hickeys you left on my every skin or my shaking legs.."

"Well, I don't mind"he cut in shamelessly"they all know we are in a relationship!And having sex is norma.."

"Get out!"Hayden yelled angrily and turned to the other side


"Where's Hayden ?"Caleb inquired as soon as Zenos came down

"Upstairs!!"Zenos replied

"Zenos!"Jade stood up and tried to hold Zenos

 He waved her away coldly and walked to the kitchen

 Jade frozen but quickly followed Zenos into the kitchen"Did I do something wrong?"

I turned gay after a drunken night(BL)Where stories live. Discover now