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There are no classes on Saturdays and Sundays, and Yu Qian still gets up early. After breakfast in a happy mood, I finished homeschooling. In the afternoon, you can roam freely.

Yu Qian's plan is to go out and buy a bag of snacks, and then come back happily to brush her phone, so that the life of a salted fish is simply perfect!

Just do what she thinks of, Yu Qian went to choose a set of clothes with great interest. As a girl, occasionally going out on a whim, she needs to dress well, even if the destination is only a large supermarket about two kilometers away from Bai's house. .

Yu Qian hummed a song, found Bai Bai who was sleeping in the backyard, and forcibly woke him up. Anyway, the distance is not too far, walking is the right to exercise, and she has not taken Bai Bai out for a long time for a walk, killing two birds with one stone.

Yu Qian put a leash on Bai Bai, and one person and one dog went out.

Everything went well on the way there, shopping went well, and an accident happened when I came back...

Yu Qian carried a large bag of snacks in one hand and walked back with Bai Bai in the other. As she was walking, Bai Bai suddenly stopped and kept pulling Yu Qian to the side of the road.

"Bai Bai!" Yu Qian thought that Bai Bai wanted to play, so she pinched its ears angrily, but she didn't expect Bai Bai to stop.

Yu Qian couldn't resist it, so she could only let it lead her away.

Stepping into the green belt, Yu Qian slowly heard the puppy whimpering.

Have a dog? Yu Qian was startled, and followed Bai Bai to quicken her pace.

After walking a few dozen meters, Yu Qian saw a green nylon pocket in a bush with something moving.

Yu Qian hurriedly opened the bag, and a short-haired puppy with yellow spots on a white background arched out from inside.

Looking at this little puppy with a weak bark, Yu Qian's hands trembled and her chest heaved violently.

How could there be such a disgusting person, who would actually mutilate small animals like this, if it hadn't heard the sound in vain, this puppy would have died and rotted here and no one would have found it.

Yu Qian hurriedly found a package of jerky from the bag and tore it for the puppy to eat. Watching the puppy gobble it, Yu Qian fed it something else.

Yu Qian looked at the little white dog who kept wagging its tail at her, and picked it up without hesitation.

Now that you have picked it up, take it back and keep it, anyway, one is not too few, and two are not too many.

Yu Qian just held Bai Bai's snacks in one hand and returned to Bai's house with the other hand holding the little white dog.

"Where did this dog come from?"

Jiang Zheng leaned against the gate of Bai's house and saw the puppy in Yu Qian's hand at a glance.

"I picked it up."

Yu Qian put Bai Bai down, shook her arms, panted a little when she spoke, and walked all the way with her dog in her arms, her clothes were soaked with sweat.

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