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Early the next morning, Yu Qian and Jiang Zheng had breakfast at grandma's house, and they led sisters and brothers Yu Hui and Yu Zhi, with sickles and baskets on their backs.

In order not to make Jiang Zheng and the others feel that their trip was in vain, Yu Qian planned to take them to climb the mountain.

It is mid-August now, and many things in the mountains are familiar, one of which is Yu Qian's favorite yellow bubble when she was a child, but unfortunately she can't remember where it is, so she can only let Yu Hui and the two lead the way.

Yu Qian's hometown is a small town. After walking for about 20 minutes, she walked to the mountain forest area in the outer suburbs.

Jiang Zheng looked at Yu Qian's peasant girl's dress, and thought it was quite cute. She couldn't help but took out her phone and took a picture of her.

Lin Niannian followed behind, panting, wearing a big sun hat on his head and wrapped tightly around his body. Although she was a little tired, her eyes were full of novelty.

Bai Qiming followed Lin Niannian to prevent her from falling and being injured.

The destination of Yu Qian's trip was an uphill mountain that was not too high. Of course, this is not high, which means that it is not high for Yu Qian's three siblings. For Lin Niannian, she has never climbed such an authentic mountain.

There is no way, at first glance in Beijing, there are no ups and downs, they are all flat, and the places they usually play are not foreign countries, well-known scenic spots, or private places, even the mountains where they went to summer camp when they were children. High difficulty.

Halfway through the climb, Yu Qian saw that Lin Niannian couldn't walk, so she simply stopped and let everyone rest.

Bai Qiming naturally took out a bottle of water from the basket behind Jiang Zheng and handed it to Lin Niannian.

"What is this, can I eat it?" Jiang Zheng asked with a small red fruit in his hand.

"You can try." Yu Qian said with a wicked smile. But she didn't expect that when Jiang Zheng heard what she said, he really put this little fruit into his mouth, so frightened that Yu Qian hurriedly held his hand.

"Do you think your life is too big? You dare to eat it if you don't know it." Yu Qian said angrily.

Jiang Zheng was still in the coursing of Yu Qian's initiative to shake his hand, and replied with some disapproval: "I just planned to try it, but I didn't want to eat it."

Yu Qian rolled her eyes, not wanting to pay attention to this ignorant person.

When she sees familiar wild fruits on the road, Yu Qian will explain it to them, and then pick some for them to taste.

Finally approaching the destination, Yu Qian saw clusters of yellow from a distance, and she couldn't help showing an excited expression on her face, so she walked over quickly.

"Is this a yellow bubble?" Lin Niannian looked at the small yellow fruit the size of a fingernail in the half-person-high thorn bush, and was very suspicious of its taste.

Sisters and brothers Yu Hui and Yu Zhi have already started picking them up, and while picking them, they also put them in their mouths.

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