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"I like you. Let's get married!"

The pink-haired teen frowned at the sight of you. Having to deal with a bunch of idiots is already a pain for him. He could die at the fact of dealing with another one.

[ full name ], one of the top students. A student council and a class representative of 2 - +. A friend of Toritsuka Reita. But to [ name ], she's not sure whether to call him a friend since she finds his blabbering annoying all the time

'I did not know the top 2 student could be this stupid.' Kusuo mentally sighed, staring at you with a bored expression written on his face.

"No." He replied, scowling more once he saw your sad expression. You're just another girl who's well known around the campus, a nuisance, to be precise.

You're not stupid like the others, although your thoughts are filled with utter nonsense, the psychic couldn't grab hold of what you're about to do.

Kusuo was aware that you like him, ever since that joint classes. But he wasn't expecting you to confess so soon.

'Good grief, we just met one week ago, now you want to marry me.'

"Why not?" You pouted. You tried to grab his arm, which he quickly shifted away from you, afraid that you might accidentally rub off your idiocy to him.

Kusuo thought of a good comeback. He knows that you won't leave him alone until you get an excusable answer. "The world does not revolve around you."

"Then I'll make it revolve around me. You're my world, Sachi Kusuo!" You responded. A confident grin was planted on your face. A grin that Kusuo found stupid.

'Don't make me laugh. You don't even know my name.' He sighed, wanting to curse himself for making a wrong decision—sparing you some time.

"So? What do you think about my confession and proposal?" You beamed, poking his sides. 'Oh no, she touched me. I might be an idiot like her now, too.' He sarcastically thought, rolling his eyes.

Kusuo only shrugged in response before walking away. "Hey! Wait— You haven't answered my question yet!" You exclaimed, trying to block his way.

'It's stupid.' Kusuo mentally replied, ignoring her presence. He already spared you some of his time. It would be a real bother—at least to him if he spared you some more. He hated attention above all things. Ignoring you is the best option to do, hoping that you would get bored of him.

'He's so cold. He should be lucky someone likes him, at least.' He heard you pondered. 'I am unlucky because someone like you likes me.' He responded at your hunch, scrunching his nose at the process.

"One last thing, please hear me out." As you continued to yell in the halls, Kusuo finally turned around to face you. "I'm serious about my confession. Feel free to reject me if you'd like. No pressure at all." You tried to hide that burning sensation in your heart with a smile.

"That's what I'd do anyway," Kusuo replied, a bored expression still planted on his face.

Your mood changes once you hear Kusuo's honest answer. 'But I won't leave you alone!' You smiled at your own thought, which made the psychic more annoyed.

'Good grief, I'll just ignore you.' He sighed, mentally pinching the bridge of his nose before walking away.

You happily skipped your way in a different direction, making your way to the cafeteria to eat. It's not lunch break, but you can always make an excuse to the teachers. They favored you, after all.

There, you witnessed your so-called "friend" get rejected. You tried to stifle your laugh and waited for the girl to leave so you could approach him.

As Toritsuka continued to beg, the blonde hair ended their conversation with a loud slap that echoed through the halls. The slap resulted in him collapsing on the ground.

"Ouch.." You mumbled, you felt terrible for him, but at the same time, your sadistic side was showing. he can be a jerk sometimes. 'He deserves it.'

As the girl walked away from Toritsuka, you made your way to him, trying to stop yourself from laughing your ass off. "Hey, there. What a poor thing you are." You teased, helping him up the ground.

"I got rejected again, [ surname ]. When can I finally get a girlfriend and touch their bo-" Before he can finish his sentence, you smacked his head, causing him to shut his mouth immediately.

You let out a snicker before saying, "guess who got rejected too."

"Wait, wha— You— H-hold on. What?!" Toritsuka was speechless, of course. Not because your crush rejected you. It's because you confessed immediately despite telling you not to.

Reita let out a sigh, gazing at you with a pitiful look. "Saiki is not the type to fall in love. Hearing that word makes him cringe." He stated, shrugging.

Your eyes widened in realization. "Oh! So Saiki is his name, not Sachi?" You muttered, slapping a hand on your mouth.

"Stupid! You don't even know his name!" Toritsuka exclaimed, smacking me on the head, which I did to him earlier.

"Either way, I will certainly make him mine!"

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