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     You watched Toritsuka clean the room sloppily. He's on cleaning duty today and couldn't even do his job right. Your original plan wasn't to wait for him, but he was on the verge of tears and was begging for you to stay.

He hit the blackboard, erasing the writings. "Stop speedrunning your work, geez." You grumbled, rolling your eyes. You hated messy things, although you're messy yourself.

"Mhm," he hummed in response but still proceeded to clean lazily. It's useless scolding him since he's very stubborn.

And boy, that made you think, why were you friends with him in the first place.

"Whatever. I'm going to buy some drinks. Do you want anything?" You questioned, standing up from your seat while waiting for his answer.

Toritsuka turned around, a smirk planted on his face. "Buy the whole vending machine for me." He said, wiping the sweat in his face.

You furrowed your brows at his response. He knew you were financially stable, prosperous but not as rich as that shithead from Kusuo's class.

"I can do that. Just not for you." You responded, sliding the door open before exiting the classroom.

     Toritsuka was a flirtatious type of person, and you were the 'hard-to-get' type, only to people you don't like, of course. The only person and the only being you'll fold for is Saiki Kusuo.

You made your way to the cafeteria, on the ground floor, looking for the vending machine. As you saw about two of them, you headed to the nearest vending machine in sight.

You inserted your money to buy a strawberry drink for Toritsuka, which cost ¥100. "Tsk, I guess he owes me with this one." You mumbled, pressing a button.

The next thing you bought was for you, which is a [ flavor ] drink, it cost ¥100 as well. To your dismay, you noticed the vending machine not working. You started pressing random buttons, which didn't seem to work. "What the hell?" You breathed out, kicking the machine.

"What—" as you were about to kick it again, the vending machine finally worked. You watched as your drink fell to the pick-up port. You smiled in victory while a particular psychic stood there at the very corner, watching you from afar.

'Good grief, go back to narrating the reader, not me.' The person scoffed, rolling his eyes. Although he won't admit it, he was the one that made the vending machine work.

After all, you treated him out on Friday, so this was his way of returning the favor.

You felt your phone buzzed, so you decided to check who texted you—A notification from Toritsuka saying he had just left the school.

"He could've at least taken this drink," you mumbled, talking to no one in particular as you gaze down at the strawberry drink you're holding.

"Whatever. He's a jerk." You grumbled under your breath, pinching the bridge of your nose before returning to your classroom to get your belongings.

On your way there, you accidentally bumped into Kusuo. You were pretty surprised at the sudden contact. Even though the psychic did it on purpose, he was mentally cursing himself for making a bad decision.

"Oh, uh. Saiki, good morning," You greeted, fiddling with your thumb. "It's afternoon," He casually replied, crossing his arms and leaning on the pillar beside him.

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