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"[ name ], you do know I don't like seeing failure. Those people expect highly of me, and you're ruining my reputation." Your father calmly stated while you stood there, shaking.

If it weren't for his attitude, you'd say he's a handsome man. Sure, he's good-looking, but he can be a real jerk who cares about the fame. Everyone would fall for him. But your mother is the biggest idiot out of them all for deciding to marry him.

"Sorry, fathe—"

Before you could finish your sentence, he cut you off. "I don't want to hear it. Go to your room." He hissed, pinching the bridge of his nose. You gulped, you were too stubborn to his liking.

"B-but.." You stuttered, watching as he walked away. You tried to contain your tears, only for you to end up sobbing. An arm engulfed you into a hug, and a gentle voice stated, "Young master, you shouldn't talk back to your father, you know? He'll end up scolding you more."

As a kid like you, you were put under a lot of pressure. You grew up without a mom, although you had a caretaker with you who was like a mother figure to you. She was kind-hearted and sweet. But you sooner realized she was only taking care of you for money. "Don't worry, young master. You'll find your happiness soon."

One day, your jerk of a father decided to ruin and take everything from you.

     "[ name ]." Your father called out strictly, making you gulp. "Your grades," he paused for a second, he kneeled down to your height as his slender figure fell on the ground gently. "I was informed you got 99, 99, 98, 100." He calmly spoke out, yet the sound of his voice was strict and scary.

He placed his hands on both sides of your cheek, gripping it tightly. "You're a disgrace." He spat, almost ripping out the half of your face. He stared intensely at you for a while. His grip would get tighter every second.

"Tsk, I'm firing Aiko as your caretaker. That runt has been spoiling you too much." With that, he pushed your head harshly, causing you to stumble back. "With this behavior of yours, I might as well send you back to that rotting house where that piece of shit lives." He muttered to himself before walking away.

He's the type of guy who is calm in public but boy, would that father of yours hesitate to fix something in a violent way.

     "[ name ], you're crying." An awfully familiar had shaken you away from your trails of thought. You immediately wiped your tear and looked at the pink-haired before you. "I-it's nothing," you tried to suppress it into a smile, but you were too tired to do so.

The two of you were currently in a hospital room. You were sitting on the bed, facing Kusuo, who was sitting as well. He would visit you every day after school ended.

"..I have to tell you something." He spoke out, making you grow nervous. He sounded serious— I mean, he sure is serious all the time, but this time, it felt like he was extra serious.

He looked intimidating yet unsure and hesitant. The look on his face was unreadable. He was like a closed book with a padlock on it. You let out a hum to let him know you're listening.

"I.." Pausing for a second, he gulped. His eyebrows turned into a frown as he avoided eye contact. 'Crap, what's my next line again?' he mentally muttered, although his face remained the same. "I'm a psychic."

You were too surprised to speak. Sure, you have your suspicions, but you didn't know how to react, but some part of you wished he had said this sooner. You respected his decision, though. Not everyone can keep such things like these a secret. You were happy he trusted you enough to tell you a secret of his. As the pink-haired continued to explain his abilities, you were too busy pondering by yourself.

"Right now, I'm wearing my ring. That's why I can't hear a single.." your thoughts were blocking out his voice, completely shutting the world down.

Without any hesitation, you engulfed the man in a hug. "That doesn't change anything. We will continue to be friends anyway, right?" You grinned, inhaling his scent. 'I don't want us to be just friends, [ name ].' He wanted to say that so bad, but he was hesitating.

"Look, I also.." He paused for a second, pushing you off of him gently. He looked at you, and you could see there was the tiniest blush planted on his cheeks. His hand made its way to your cheek, caressing it gently. 'If I can't talk, then I'll let my action speak for itself.'

Kusuo leaned in, inch by inch. Your eyes widened the moment you realized what he was doing. Sooner, you grew impatient as you pulled him by his tie and locked your lips with his.

'His lips taste like coffee jelly.' You mentally stated, smiling through the kiss. The two of you pulled away, you were blushing like a ripened tomato while Kusuo's stone-faced remained the same except there was a blush across his cheeks.

"How does it feel, huh?" The psychic spoke out verbally as he grinned like an idiot, looking at your flustered figure. "The world finally revolves around you." He added.

Your eyes widened at his words, your blood was running crazy. He was going to be the death of you! "S-so does this mean.. I— we're— we—" before you could finish your sentence, Kusuo had beat you to it.

"Don't worry. I'll wait until you're ready to commit." He ruffled your hair before pinching your cheeks. You nodded at his proposal, smiling. Kusuo knew you had to focus on your studies and your other priorities. 'I promise, I'm all yours just as you're mine.'

Kusuo had brought happiness to your life. Even though he barely did anything, it doesn't matter. You admire everything he does, even though when he calls you dumb for the stupid stuff you do.

You pinched his cheek back before saying, "wait for me, then. Thank you for staying by my side."

     Is it wrong for a person who's in the depths of giving up on life to find love at such young age when they should be focusing on their studies and other important tasks? What if that person just wants to find a reason to live, fight for, and look forward to every time they wake up.

For you, it's neither right nor wrong. Everything in this world is gray in your eyes. None of it mattered. You were afraid of changes. Never once you had let your expectation high, or else you'll end up getting disappointed. None of it can satisfy you.

That was until he came along. You hated the feeling of relying on someone, but you found yourself clinging to brightness. And for the first time, you decided to let your pride go and give in to your desires.


wow very cringy chapter☹️☹️☹️☹️🙁🙁😢😢

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