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We got inside Ju Kyung's house. "Come inside, don't mind the mess ok?" Auntie said guiding us inside. I looked around, then my eyes fell on Suho. He was making dumplings? "I forgot to mention our darling Suho was here too" she said grinning. Auntie then left and Seojun scoffed "our darling Suho?"

I raised my eyebrows at Suho "you can make dumplings?" Suho nodded at me, "cool" I grinned and sat infront of him. "I can make them too" Seojun said and I looked raised my eyebrows at him.

Auntie then came with some other stuff "dumplings will be done in a second when everyone is helping" she grinned. My eyes widened "we are making them now?" Auntie nodded "but I don't know how to make them" I pouted. "Then you can watch" uncle added and I nodded smiling. Suho patted next to him.

I nodded and was about to move next to Suho when Jukyung's brother pushed me next to Seojun while he sat on my other side. My eyes widened at him and he was just smiling sheepishly. He kinda looks familiar. I know he is Jukyung's brother but that's not how I met him. But where did I meet him though?

We were now sitting in a circle. "Seojun your dumplings are pretty" Auntie spoke up and I looked at his dumplings. He smiled "I have made them at home before. My mom says if I make pretty dumplings, I'll end up with a pretty daughter. That's why I let her teach me" he looked at me, I was already watching him. I rolled my eyes and went back to watch others dumplings.

"Your mom must make pretty dumplings that's why she gave birth to a handsome son like you" Auntie said making me cringe inwardly. "You much be popular in school" Auntie added. Seojun replied with gesturing his hand "slightly". "As if, you are nothing compared to Suho. He is practically glowing, isn't he?" Joo Young said and which made me cringe more.

"By the way Mr. Han why were you not with your girlfriend and with my sister?" Joo Young said making me look at Seojun. "You gave a girlfriend?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "What? No! What are you saying?" He defended himself. "We will talk about this later" I gritted through my teeth and pinched him on his arm.

How did he not tell me he had a girlfriend? Even if not me what about Jukyung? He didn't even tell her? And I thought he liked her! We are friends, we are suppose to share this things right? Not that I'm really interested in his life or something. It's his personal matter to tell whoever he wants. But still! I needed to let my anger out and the only way was to pinch him. He helped in pain "ouch, and I don't have any girlfriend" he glared at Joo Young.

"All right, take a break and have some water" Joo Young said pouring water in the glass. Then the leaned forward too give Seojun the glass but spilled the water on Seojun's lap. I swear he did that on purpose, I saw it. Thank God Seojun was wearing an apron. "Ops! O almost spilled it on the floor" Joo Young said smiling innocently. I grabbed a few tissue papers "let me clean it" I said and Seojun nodded.

I then cleaned the water from his lap. I was really close to him now, I could feel his breath on my neck which gave me goosebumps. When I was done I sat back and he smiled at me going back to making dumplings.

"Ju Kyung is really lucky to have three handsome and beautiful friends, stay with them and choose one of them to date when you get into college" Auntie instructed Ju Kyung. I unconsciously squeeze Seojun's arm making him stop from doing his work, he looked at me. I realised what I had done and moved away quickly.

Suddenly everyone started voting. Ju Kyung's dad and brother voted for Suho which I was thankful off. They are dating already so it's better if her family likes him. "Why are you voting suddenly?" Ju Kyung spoke up feeling uncomfortable.

"To be honest, I wanted Seojun to be Ju Kyung's boyfriend in college" Auntie said making me frown. "But look at Seojun and Irene, don't they look really good together?" Jukyung said mischief hidden in her eyes. What is she trying to do? "Actually I am going to agree on this one with you" auntie laughed others joining after. But my brother had a serious expression. Shit-

"Suho's dumplings are pretty" I said inspecting one. "Look at mine, its better than his" Seojun said snatching Suho's dumpling from me. I rolled my eyes "yeah, whatever". "Let's see who makes the best dumplings" Auntie spoke up "why are you doing all this? Just make the dumplings quietly" Ju Kyung said getting irritated. "Come on, it's fun" Auntie said, Seojun looked at me "if I win this then you have to grant a wish, deal?" He smirked at me, "Deal" I copied his smirk. Then Suho and Seojun gave each other a challenging look.

Now we were sitting infront of Seojun and Suho. They started to make dumplings with great enthusiasm. I was shocked to see how focused Seojun was. I was just watching Seojun's hands, how it moved so gracefully. On the other hand my brother as always was working perfectly. No need to say anything about him cause we all know how he is.

After half an hour the both plates were filled with dumplings. They both finished the last one together and placed them on the top. Then they sprinkled some flour on them.

A crane and a dragon was infront of us. Made of dumplings. Made of freaking dumplings! Suho made the dragon and Seojun made the crane. "It's a neck to neck match" Auntie said. "not neck to neck, dragon to crane" uncle spoke up. "How did you make this?" Uncle gasped and then touched Suho's dragon and a piece of it fell. "Dad!" Ju Kyung yelled a little. All of our eyes were wide. "Seojun wins" Auntie said, Seojun yelled "yes" fisting his hand on the air expressing his victory. He also did a little victory dance. Then he looked at me and smirked. I rolled my eyes at him.

Auntie had told Seojun and Suho to bring the table from upstairs. I was sitting on the sofa and everyone was cleaning up. Suddenly we heard a loud noise, we looked at that direction and saw Seojun and Suho sliding down the stairs on the table, and both of them fighting. They stopped when they realised we were watching.

We got outside and Auntie handed us the bags of dumplings "store them in your freezer and heat them up with a steamer". We bowed at her and thanked her. "Don't fight, I don't know what happened between you guys but don't store them inside you for long" Auntie said, Ju Kyung then pulled her "let's go, they will take care of it on their own" she waved at me a little and closed the door. There was a moment of silence, Suho and Seojun looked at each other, I broke the silence with my laughter. I was holding my laughter for a while now. "I love you" I laughed clutching my belly. "Oh my god" I said wiping the tears out of my eyes.


"I love you" Seojun gritted through his teeth while cutting Suho's toe nail. "I love you"  Suho did the same cutting Seojun's nails. "How dare you fight? You are not children" Auntie said, everyone was now sitting on the sofa watching their punishment. I learned Auntie makes Ju Kyung and her siblings do this when they fight.

End of flashback

I was still laughing standing between them. Seojun and Suho looked at each other and started to kick and punch the air which made me laugh more. Then they both ran at different direction. "Hey wait" I called out, stopping my laugh. I looked at both direction and sighed. My phone made a ding sound and I pulled it out to see a message from Seojun.


Get home safely and goodnight little Daisy.

A smile made its way to my face as I started walking to the direction where Suho had gone. Little did they know Suho had observed the whole interaction between them that night and he wasn't quite happy about it.


It's valentine week and people are going crazy about it!

But it doesn't matter to a single alien like me😅

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