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"You told Gowon?" Seojun asked. I nodded my head as I sipped on my banana milk. Yes, I had somehow managed Seojun to buy me another drink. Tehehe. "When did you do that? You didn't even tell me" he was kind of shocked. "That means Omma knows it too" he said as his mouth opened wider in shock. I nodded my head again "I told them on that day. You see auntie, Gowon and I have a group chat. It's called 'Women's to the rescue'. I know it's kind of stupid name but that's where the fun is" I dumped the empty bottle in the bin. Seojun's face was displaying a comical expression of disbelief now "that was the reason Omma was stuck to her phone all the time" I nodded again. We had reached Suho and Seojun residence. I pushed the door open and ducked in time as I saw a ball coming straight toward my face. Seojun who was behind me and didn't see the ball coming was hit right on face. Six!

My eyes widened as the ball fell on the floor and the sound made me finally realise what had happened. I rushed to Seojun as he winced in pain. "Seojun" screamed Cho rong and his friend. I quickly made Seojun sit and rushed to find a nurse for an ice pack. After I got it I rushed back to Seojun and held the ice pack to his chin. Yeah, the ball had hit his sexy chin. "YAH! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" my tone came out louder than I anticipated and shockingly I cursed too. Everyone in the room was visibly shaken by my outburst. Well I never talked to them in this way so it's sort of understandable. "We-we were just" someone started but shut their mouth when I looked at him. "It's okay. I'm okay" Seojun said trying to change the topic. Now that I look at him he looks tired. My Seojunnie needs sleep.

Cho rong started to say something when my eyes landed on Suho. I completely forgot he was here too. Wait! Where Jukyung though? Suho was trying to say something with his eyes which confused me. He was pointing something under his blanket which confused me further. Something was poking out of Suho's blanket. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. That strangely looks like a hand. But Suho's hands are with him. Realisation struck me like the car that struck Suho and made him fly. Ju-freaking-kyung!

Everyone was already starting to make plans about how they were going to spend the night here and what they were going to eat. Not on my watch. I stood up and clapped my hands. "Okay! Out you go. You came to see these two and you saw them. Your duty here is done. My brother and boyfriend needs to sleep now so kindly go and eat somewhere else" Cho rong sneakily hid his packet of chip. "Boyfriend? So you have finally started to date" i I nodded my head. Cho rong patted Seojun on the back harshly "that calls for a party dude. We will be looking forward to it" everyone started to exit the room and stand outside the door. "Lastly get well soon Seojun and Suho" everyone whispered yelled and I closed the door. Well at least they didn't scream at the hospital. Phew! that was close.

Jukyung removed the blanket off her and breathed heavily. "How much more are you two going to hide? You know it's better to just tell them" I said that and walked over to Seojun to help him lay down.

I was forced to attend school the next day. But I miss Seojunnie. We had been talking on phone since I woke up and went to school. Yet I still miss him. The news of our relationship was the hot topic was the school now. They had made it 'The princess of the school and the bad boy prince fell in love' cringy, isn't it? Yeah, I also cringed visibly when I heard that line from Sooah.

Right now Sooah has called me outside to take some pictures or take pictures of herself. She was taking pictures for a Instagram contest or something. She had almost manipulated me to participate but I stood my ground. Her next target was Jukyung and she surely had passed. I was walking towards them and saw Sooah taking pictures of Jukyung. Out of the corners of my eye I saw Soojin and a girl which I don't recognise in a corner. Sooah greeted me and started to show me the pictures she took. But I couldn't shake the feeling of something bad was going to happen.

Later that day I was rushing to visit Suho and Seojun. Father had texted me that he was going to meet Suho too. Maybe I should finally tell him about Seojun. I don't like hiding things from him. I saw Seojun and Jukyung standing in front of the room and heard father's voice. Why are they standing there? Did something happen to Suho? As I neared the door the voices got clearer. "Why did you do it? Seyeon was my friend? Why did you do it?" Suho screamed as I stopped in front of the door. Seojun held my arm "Irene let's go from here" he was trying to move me but I brushed off his hand. "I didn't know about Seyeon's incident. I let Director Oh take care of it, but I had no idea what he'd do" at this point I didn't feel Seojun trying to drag me away anymore. Weirdly I was feeling cold. Like something bad was going to happen. I always felt cold in this situation. The feeling is unpleasant enough to make me want to die instead. "I would've stopped him if I knew he was your friend. Like you said, Seyeon was your friend". But what if he wasn't a friend? Will you let him die then?

"You are blaming it all on Director Oh. He did it to cover your romance with that actress. Saying that you didn't know anything makes it all right? Do you really think you are not responsible? I wasn't able to answer Seyeon's last call" Suho was crying now. "Thinking that it led to his suicide been haunting me all this time. You were the reason why all this happened. Why be afraid of some rumors with an actress? As if it's any big deal" Suho screamed out. My vision was blurry. Why can't I see? The chills were spreading through my body as time passed. "I didn't want you and Irene to be disappointed in me. You were already so distant, I was afraid the news would drive you only away. It's why I wanted to cover it up" but that doesn't make anything right. "How can I be disappointed in a man I have no expectation for? I already witnessed it a long time ago. What you were doing the night mom died" the chills had finally stopped and I felt numb. I didn't even realise when my legs gave out. I couldn't even see anything clearly as my vision was blured for some reason. Had I fortunately turned blind so I didn't have to face him? Memories of that day. Suho telling me to go to mom flashed before my eyes. I felt someone touch me but I could care less. I ripped my arms from their hand and rubbed my eyes to see tears. I looked at Suho to see him holding the bed while breathing heavily. My words came out as whimpers as father came to hold me. But I pushed him away. Suho needed me now. I was trying to at least crawl to him but my body won't listen to me. He was holding his heart in pain. Someone came and rushed toward Suho and Seojun had managed to move me from the doorway. He hugged me tightly, pushing my head in his chest. "Irene listen to me. You need to breath okay? Breath with me" I heard him counting and telling me to breath. I was trying to but I just couldn't. "Suho" I somehow said, my voice coming out weak. "He is okay. The doctors are here. He is fine. But you need to calm down first okay? Then you can meet him" he held my head and I weakly nodded at him. He hugged me again rubbing my back in progress. "I miss Omma" was the last thing I remember saying.

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